Keep It Cool

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Bri's p.o.v.


Ok, seven.

I'm such a nervous wreck now already, huh?

Am I the only person who feels as if they have no idea what's really going on?

War? Did somebody just say war?!

I can't do that. I would never be able to kill someone.

To have the blood right on my hands.

And now, I'm separated from my friends who I feel the most comfortable with at this very moment. A number 7.

Not to mention the obvious fact of embarrassing myself in front of Brandon Hoover. I couldn't bare to see his face again. He saw through me like glass. And I never intended to have my smile put a print on him in that way. I don't love Brandon Hoover in that way. I hoped I never made Soleil upset.

I walk up to the door with the number "7" spray painted on it. This only leading me to two different elevators. One had "H.T." while the other had "Recruits" written on it. I make a very educated and obvious guess which brought me to the recruits elevator. I found myself alone in the elevator, alone with my thoughts. It would've been great if I had another member of my department to be with me.

The elevator continued to travel up and up, and the large glass behind me showed the outside of the building. I continued to travel higher and higher until I seemed to reach the tip top of the building. I couldn't keep my eyes off of the blurred lights from outside. Made me feel so loopy and spaced out as ever. Could I be dreaming this whole scenario?

"You know, the elevator door is open."

I flinch a little bit; turning my head towards the open elevator door. My eyes growing wide, completely in awe of what my eyes could be seeing. Maybe it never mattered if this were to be a dream or not anymore.

Mr. Jawline Dream himself. Hayden Tree.

"Oh-I-I'm sorry. Did I interpret something?" I stutter, almost tripping on my laces as I continue to walk out of the elevator.

A wide grin grows perfectly set on his face. "No, you didn't interrupt a thing. You Bri?"

Bri. God, this boy already melted my heart to nothing.

"Yes, yes I am," I tell him, smiling back. I could feel my face burn out of embarrassment.

"Well, welcome to the U.M.P. Department," he tells me.

Creases form on my forehead; full of confusion. "U.M.P?"

"Yea," he says, scratching his head. "It stands for Unseen Methods of Performance."

"What's the point of doing something cool if nobody can see it?" I tease. He nudges my shoulder; giggling around along with me. My smile seems to immediately drop out of complete awe and wonder. I seemed to be in shock by him. And his sincere smile full of life reminded me that this is real.

"How about I show you?" he offers; placing his hand comfortably on the small of my back. Goose bumps form on my skin that aligned my arms; Hayden began to lead me into the other room.

The room was in the shape of a half circle, with mirrors that covered every wall. Of course besides where the diameter of the circle was, the top third of the wall was covered in bright letters, the resistance, which changed from purple to green than back again.

"This place is huge. Like a penthouse with no rooms," I whisper, afraid to cause distraction to other recruits.

He laughs. "You I don't need to be silent, the recruits are just stretching."

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