"I'm Scared."

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Soleil's P.O.V.

I woke up.

At least I think I'm awake.

I think my eyes are open but I cant see a thing and my head is throbbing.

I don't remember a lot but what stands out vividly, and keeps coming back because of the throbbing, is the scary scarecrow woman hitting my forehead with the butt of her gun several times until I was unconscious. The pain of each blow causing more and more fingers of darkness to cover my eyes until I had passed out at her feet. Her menacing smile, showing off her disgustingly yellow and black teeth, haunted my "sleep".

The air is hot and humid, panicking me. As I begin to gasp for oxygen I realise something that increased my panic by 100%.

My head was tied up in some sort of fabric sack, tied just tightly enough at the neck that I could breathe. My hands were tied at the wrists to what seemed like a wooden chair and my feet were tied together. Great. No wonder I couldn't see anything.

"HELP, SOMEONE PLEASE!!!! SAVE ME!!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP OR THEY'LL HEAR YOU AND COME BACK!" a familiar voice to my left whisper-shouted back.


"Yes, now be quiet and pretend you're still unconscious so they don't torture us again." 

"Again?" I asked

"Yes, while you were asleep, they threatened to shoot you if I didn't tell them our plan. I didn't say anything because they can't kill us, we're too valuable to them. Now shut up and if they ask you any questions don't say anything, not that you'd know anyway."

So I sit here, trying to control my breathing. 




Ryesha's P.O.V.

"Brandon?!" I whisper


"I'm scared." I admit to him, on the brink of tears

"Same," he replied back "but we have to get through this for the Runaways back at RHQ. They'll come and find us, we'll escape and we will all be fine. I promise."

"What if they come back and force us to give them information again. I don't know anything and they think I'm hiding classified information. I honestly know nothing. I don't know if I can deal with that torture again. They can't actually drown us can they."

"Don't worry. They won't do anything to kill us, they need the information from us. Andy knows not to tell them anything and will tell Soleil to do the same-"

"Wait, what? Soleil? She's here, right now?"

"Yes, I thought you already knew-"

"No, I didn't fucking know, this is amazing, frustrating and terrifying, she's going through the same things we are. I could finally meet her. She's so close right now. How did you know she was here?"

"When they were carrying us here, before we had the sacks over our heads, I woke up but pretended to be unconscious still and saw her across the hall from me being carried by an ugly ass scarecrow"

"Brandon?!" I whisper


"I'm scared." I admit to him, on the brink of tears


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