Birds Like No Other

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Brent's P.O.V.

"I bet they will just fine," I tell Jewel, looking down to her and smiling sheepishly.

She shrugs her shoulders. "I don't know Brent. Bri is sensitive--I know that Taylor will be fine. But..."

"You're not mad at me for putting her with Hayden, right?" I question, wrapping my arm around her shoulder.

She stares at my hand blankly. "No. I would've probably done the same thing. Either that or put her with Dave and Taylor stayed behind."

I chuckle a bit. "Yea, I guess that would've been better for Taylor. But Hayden has some serious trust issues, and Bri is kind of bringing him out of that. Hayden's just resisting it but I know he can't do that."

"What happened to him to make him be this way?" she asks, beginning to slow down her pace.

We were walking down the hallway of the headquarters, looking for any sort of artificial sound or light. This would hopefully then lead us to the the raven's computer department. There, we will be able to find the map of the building and know where the missing recruits are. May sound so simple, but this could turn to hell quickly.

"His ex girl... Basically ruined his life," I mumble, patting her shoulder as a sign to walk faster.


I put on a sly smirk, a sad one. "Hayden was ready to propose to her after two years, only to come home to not only find her cheating on him but for her to tell him that she never really loved him."

"That's freaking terrible..." she trails off. "I feel like crap for putting all that guilt on him."

I squeeze her a bit. "Don't put yourself down for it. You didn't know."

She nods, wrapping an arm around my back in a side hug as we continued to walk down the hallway. Our eyes were searching, full of wonder in this poorly lit place; which only made it easier to find the artificial noise we are searching for. Computers. Once we find the Ravens, we will be able to hopefully pull up some sort of map of the headquarters. Then it will make it easier to find the missing recruits.

Jewel suddenly stops, her feet and gripping onto my hand harshly. "Brent?"

I froze, looking over to her. "Yea?"

"Do you hear that?" she asks me in a hushed tone.

I look away, giving myself a moment to listen in the darkness. It was the faint sound of simply a pitch. Sometimes in melody, other times in harmony. It gave kind of a muffled nature, not echoing itself throughout the space it was contained in. No sort of natural release from its noise.

"Yes. I do," I mumble, glancing back over to her.

"Where is it coming from?"

I shake my head unsurely, tugging at her hand as a motion to follow me. I try to follow the noise, helping me decide on hallway intersections and pulling me out of dead ends.




After snaking our way through the corridors for the longest time, each step bringing us closer to the constant humming, we finally reached the door. Behind which would hopefully be the computers so we can stick to out plan.

I look over at Jewel.
"Ready?" I ask, appearing brave in order to keep her calm, my heart is pounding so loudly in my chest I am almost certain she can hear it.

I wait for her reply, which I never get. She just turns to face me, she is pale but her expression said it all: "you think ill ever be fucking ready? What a stupid question."

With that I threw open the doors and stepped inside the pitch black room, dragging her in behind me before she can have a second thought.

Once inside, I closed the door quietly and felt around for the light switch. As my eyes adjusted to the darkness, I saw the silhouette of Jewel, just standing there. Waiting.

After a few more seconds, I found the light switch and pressed it, illuminating the room with a bright glare which hurt my eyes.

Shielding my face, I reach over and grab Jewel into a hug and gently kiss her cheek.

Just in case.

She blushes but I ignore her and turn on the nearest computer, ready to find a map of this place.

Just as the computer turns on and Jewel sat next to me, I hear a sound coming from a vent in the wall.

I ignore it but instinct tells me not to forget about it.

Right now the most important thing is getting the information and getting out to find the missing recruits.

Jewel, worried, says "Brent, I don't like that sound. I think I should block the vent and check the door."

"Not right now," I reply "it will waste time. Help me do this and we'll be out of here quicker"

Unwillingly she helps me, pointing out floors in my programming and spelling mistakes which would have taken ages to find and correct in order for the program I run. All the time she was on the edge of her seat and fidgeting with her hair. Anxious and scared. I don't blame her. I hate it here too.

The sound in the vent was getting louder with every second. And the sound was familiar and foreign at the same time, warped by the metal of the vent.

I work faster, desperate to leave. I should have listened to Jewel when she said that she wanted to check the door and block the vent. Now my ignorance could be costly but I refuse to admit I was wrong to her.

The program was launched and the file is exporting to my phone. Only 30% and it needs to hurry the fuck up.

The noise is getting louder and more distinct.

"It sounds like wings," Jewel points out "like hundreds of wings flapping and beating on the metal of the vent."


"Can this file hurry up" I say more to myself than anyone in particular.

Jewel goes over to the door. Twisting the knob to check the corridors.

Much to our surprise but also expected in these situations, the door is locked and can't be opened from the inside.

Jewel turns back to me, her face white with fear.

"Shit" we both say

As if on cue from the door distraction, the vent, which we were both faced away from now, burst open and spewed hundreds of birds.

Ravens and Crows.

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