I'm Living The Resistance

375 17 5

Jewel p.o.v.

I sat in silence, staring down at my hands. I have an urge to look out the window of the helicopter but I have a fear of heights. I want to know where we are going... Am I living the Resistance? Where the fuck is my phone at? Where is my dad and what happened to my step mom? What exactly are those things...?

"We're almost there," A male voice said.

Earlier I was told to put on a pair of headphones with a mic, kind of like an xbox mic, so that I could talk to the pilot. But at the moment, I'm at a loss for words.

Where are we going exactly? But I couldn't bring myself to ask.

So there's a Bones... There are scarecrows.. A helicopter picked me up from my HOUSE...

So I grew some courage and looked out the window, without even thinking. I almost threw up and I felt myself turn blue. But what I saw was on my mind more.

We're above a forest. Why are we above a forest? I leaned over to look ahead of us, and ever so clearly, was a massive wall.

I sat back in my seat and mumbled, "Is this Aeon city?" But I got no response.


As soon as we landed, I wasn't sure what to do with myself. I waited a few minutes, silently listening to the helicopter shut down. Then the door opened.

"Gonna sit in there all day?" A man asked me with a smile. His hair was short and blonde with light skin. His smile was welcoming. He was in a white t shirt with a leather jacket. He looks like one of the jocks in my high school but older.

I awkwardly got up and he helped me out of the helicopter.

"I'm Bones." He said. I spotted smudges of dirt on his face.

"You're the one who called me?"

"I am indeed," he smiled.

"Why am I here?" I looked around and saw a large runway and white painted circles in the dirt for helicopters. There was a building in front of us that we were heading to.

"I'll have one of my men explain everything and answer all your questions. I must wait here for the others to arrive," he stops in his tracks before we enter the door to the inside. "For now, I'll have," he looks around for someone and stops a girl who was about to walk by, "Emily, show you to your living quarters."

"Who are the others?" I ask Bones. He only smiles at me and waves us off. I walk beside Emily as we make our way down a corridor. She didn't say a word to me. I glanced at her. Her hair was blonde and she had a determined look on her face. She looked almost angry.

A few minutes of walking passed, note that I don't have shoes on, and we walked down a flight of stairs which I'm sure is under ground. Emily stopped at a wooden door that was titled 'Apt 249'.

"You will stay here with roommates." She said. She opened it and then walked away back up the stairs.

"Uhh...." I walked inside and it was an apartment with a dark design. It was beautiful I'll admit. But a bit too big... And I'm not sure how many roommates I'll have.

I shut the door behind me and just stand there. I look down at my bare feet and decide to search for some new clothes and hopefully some shoes that will fit. I walk to the other side of the room, checking doors for bedrooms and realize names were painted on the doors.

"Holy fuck." I said to myself.

On each of the doors were Bri, Soleil, Jewel. Then the front door opened and I rush back into the main area to see Soleil walk through the door. When she sees me she screams and tackles me with hugs.

"Holy crap, dude it's you. How are you here?" I say to her. She releases me and that's when I notice Brent standing by the door. I instantly went silent, completely at a loss for words. Soleil just smiles widely at me, reading my mind.

"Fuck." I whisper. Brent waves at me and I wave back and force a smile. I want to scream but I need to keep my cool. For now at least.

"I know, he walked me here." She whispers back to me.

"Greeaaattt.. SO UM I'M GONNA GO CHANGE...." I back away into the hallway.

"ME TOO" Soleil follows me 

As soon as we're in the room together we burst into whisper-screams and hug each other.

"Dude is this really even happening??" She asks me as I search for clothes, "like, scarecrows. Did you see them too?"

"Yeah one was in my house I freaking flipped out and I think it ate my step mom.. God knows where my dad is."

"Oh I'm sorry.. no one was home thankfully. There was one in my house too. And the whole Bones thing. Is he gonna be the guy that's on the album cover?"

"Uhh no," I laugh. "I met him when I first got here. He's kinda hot..." I turn my head back to Soleil and change into a black long sleeve shirt and some denim jeans. Then I slip on solid black vans, which is like the only kind of shoes I have in here in about every size.

Someone calls our names from outside and it isn't Brent. It's a girl and I can almost guess who it is.

Soleil looks at me with wide eyes and screams, "BRI!" She runs out of the room and I follow behind her but I decide to walk.

I'm still flabbergasted at the sight before me. Bri is standing next to Brent who is standing next to Brandon Hoover.

They both smile at us three.

"Hi, I'm Brandon," he reaches out to shake my and Soleil's hands.

"We know who you are." I say and smile. The look on Soleil's face is priceless as she sees Brandon. She's practically in love...

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