Trust my trust issues

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Hayden's POV

Bri walked by my side in this tightly packed hallway, running her fingers through her hair after she let it out of her ponytail. The chills that ran along her skin shows that she was cold but I seemed to feel the opposite. A few seconds later, after putting her hair down, her goosebumps went away.

We kept walking, completely silent. This is until we came to the "intersection" of the hallway, which could either turn left or right.

"Crap!" I mumble, gripping my gun harder in frustration.

Bri put her index finger up to her mouth, which was a given sign for me to shut up. I sigh, looking to my left and then to Bri's right. "This is freaking ridiculous."

She brings up her finger again, and I roll my eyes; thinking it was her hushing me again. But no. She was pointing upwards. I look to the ceiling, following her direction.

A vent.

'U.M.P. Right?' Bri mouthed, a smile growing up her lips.

I bury my face into my hands, wiping my eyes and taking a deep breath. I was being ignorant again; and I'm not doing what my specialty is. Of course Bri is the one to point it out and not me. Ever since she came into my life, my head has been all blurry and clouded with memories of Veronica.

But she isn't Veronica.

Isn't she.

"Okay, let's do this," I whisper to her.

She knods assuringly.

I grip her from underneath her shoulders; firmer and stronger than I have thought I would. Strong enough that my hands clapsed against her leather jacket, causing my hands to sting a bit. The pure awkwardness made me act all weird; to make it worse, she gave me a wide eyed looked. Great, I've startled her with my 'socially awkward agression.'

If that's even a thing.

I lift her upwards towards the vent, her gun slowly slipping out of her pocket and clashing onto the floor. I flinch, but continue to keep her above the floor. She was light, which made everything much easier and less awkward so she could just work on opening the vent faster.

My arms start to shake from holding her up too long and she notices. So now, she sits herself onto my shoulders as her legs dangle onto my chest. I could feel my face beat with heat. Why the hell do I feel this way?!

"Done," she murmurs, handing me the cover on the vent.

"Good. Now climb in there," I whisper back to her.

I feel her weight release off of my shoudlers, and the laces of her combat boots clinking against the metal inside of the vents. I place the cover of the vent carefully onto the floor without making a scene about it. I pick up her gun in my left hand, which in the right held my gun. I walk back over to the vent, handing Bri her gun.

"How are you gonna get up here?" she asks me.

I wink. "I have my ways. Here, take my gun too."

I hand her my gun. "You should back up in the vents a bit to give me some space to climb up."

I hear her boots lightly clang against the vent. She backed up. I gripped my hands to the edge of the metal space were the vent cover goes, and began to swing on it a bit to accelerate myself. I soon jump and swing my feet behind me, the heel of my boot catching itself onto the vent as I pull myself inside.

Bri chuckles a bit, waving her hand down the "hallway" of the vent. Which of course, still split into two paths. "We still need to decide on our direction."

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