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Soleil's P.O.V.

Things between Andy and I seem really awkward now, he apologised for being rude but I didn't see anything wrong with it.

He is scared.

I am scared.

We're both trapped in this place, literally waiting in the dark for someone to come and save us.

I giggle at that, only quietly.

Making cte references while trapped in an actual resistance.

"Soleil?" Andy asks.


"Why are you laughing?"

Shit, was I really that loud.

"Oh, I was - erm - I - it doesn't matter."

Great. Now he will be suspicious.

Telling him that I was laughing at his band's lyrics just seemed stupid

"Tell me, I want to laugh too." He presses

"It doesn't matter, its stupid anyway."


"No" I insist

"Soleeeiiiiiiiilllllllll" he whines, like a 3 year old

"Aaaaannnnddddrreeeeewwwwwww" I whine back, mocking his tone

"Teeelllllllll mmmmeeeeeeeee, I'm bored as fuck and we're pretty much waiting here for someone to come and torture is again, may as well have something to laugh at,"

"Fine, but its not even funny" I say, throwing every ounce of unwillingness into my voice.

"What?" he asks, I can tell he is already smiling by his tone of voice.

"It's just that - I was just thinking about our situation and then I realised that we are literally waiting in the dark for someone to come and save us. Like in the 'initiation' lyrics."

"That's not even funny" Andy says, laughing anyway.

"I told you!!" I say back, embarrassed.

Andy laughs again. I turn to him, which was completely useless anyway being as I can't even see him. "what's funny now"

"It's just your idea of what funny is"

"Shut the fuck up Andrew, before I -"

Before I can even finish the sentence, the door to the small room we are in slams open. Smashing against the wall.

It is evident that there is some light shining through but its hard to tell with these sacks over our heads.

Something unties our hands and feet and then takes the sacks off. I still don't dare to open my eyes to see these monstrous beings that keep us here.

"Get up, now!" the voice says. But there is something about its tone that sends shivers down my spine. It wasn't angry, or loud. It was more quiet and authoritative.

I did what I was told and turned to look at Andrew, he looks as scared as I felt. He is pale from the lack of food and water. I feel weak but force myself to stay on my feet.

"Follow me" the voice says again, in the same tone.

"Where are we going?" Andrew asks

"Torture Room Number 3134" it replies

Andy and I exchange concerned looks as we are led out the room and down the corridor.

The Scarecrow leads us down a series of hallways and up some stairs. I would be able to note which directions we are going in, in case of a sneaky escape, but I'm so hungry that food is the only thing on my mind. I just focus all my energy on keeping upright despite feeling lightheaded.

Andy turns to me and gives me a cheeky smirk and a look. There is a burning in his eyes, like he had just had the best idea ever. I keep an eye on him because who knows what he is going to do now.

After a few more minutes of stumbling down the corridors, Andy walks up behind the Scarecrow and elbows it in the small of its back. The Scarecrow buckles, obviously surprised. It only takes the 1 second of distraction and confusion for Andy to grab the Scarecrow's gun and sprint down a set of stairs, dragging me along with him.

Immediately afterwards, we hear the sound of the Scarecrow's footsteps running down the stairs after us.

Running on pure adrenaline now, Andy and I sprint as fast as our food deprived bodies will let us go. Ducking and diving down different hallways, Andy shooting the gun behind us every so often, hoping to hit the Scarecrow.

We carry on down the hallways, down some stairs. Left. Right. Down a flight of stairs. Right. Right. Left. Up some stairs. Literally running for our lives.

The Scarecrow had pulled out a second weapon which shoots lasers and was firing it at us. We keep low as we urge our legs to keep carrying us onwards. We have no idea where to go but hopefully the Scarecrow will get hit by one of our bullets so we can get out of here without a constant threat behind us.

It was only a matter of time before adrenaline wasnt enough.

I have no energy.

I urge my body not to quit now.

Blackness clouds my vision as I feel myself dipping in and out of reality. Andrew, who surprisingly still had enough energy, is pretty much dragging me along by this point.

During this entire chase, never has he once let go of my hand.

With every step, more blackness and clouded vision. My limbs become heavy. It becomes harder and harder to keep my eyes open.

I feel myself collapse.

I feel Andy at my side.

I feel him kiss my cheek.

I feel him gives hand a reassuring squeeze.

As I fall to the floor I whisper to Andrew: "If you love me, leave. Save yourself, for me."

An electric shock to my left arm causes my body to convulse, I don't fight the pain of the Scarecrow's shock or the lightheadedness anymore.

The last thing I see is Andrew turning down another corridor, the Scarecrow following him.

I'm glad he listened to me.

That means he loves me.

Now I'm left here.




I don't even know anymore.

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