my life is falling to pieces

444 23 8

Bri p.o.v.

"Braanaaa! Mama said to getta my cheerios!" My little sister comes running into my room as I'm typing away at my laptop. I look at her and she has peanut butter all over her cheeks and chin.

"What in the..?" I say and slam my laptop shut. "Why? Why can't she do it herself? I'm freaking busy." I storm out of my room and to the kitchen in hopes to find Mom somewhere, and just to my luck, no where in sight. In fact, the house is awfully quiet. I look over to the living room and see the TV is on.

"Why don't you have the sound up?" I look to my sister who followed me. I reached up for the cheerios on the shelf of the pantry as she responded.

"I dunno I din touch it."

"Well has it always been like that? Because it's hella quiet." I pour some cheerios into a bowl and hand it to her.

"Noooo." She over exaggerates while shaking her head. She runs off to the living room and sits on the floor next to our cat, Dandy.

"And don't be feeding him cheerios, little girl!" I walk off back to my room and call Mom but she didn't pick up. I see I have 115 messages from Jewel, Ryesha, and Soleil. Oh my good lord, these girls.

Jewel, Ryesha, and Soleil are all my best friends who live like around the world from me. They're all older so they make me feel like the little sister in the group but that's fine. It's not that it bothers me or anything.... Sure I could use like one wish and use it to be four years older, that would help a lot.. Then THEY could be my little sisters..

I pull up the kik app and open the group message. And like always, I'm greeted with full-capped messages. I start to laugh and type back to them.

After I hit send, I open up my itunes and press play on A Call To Arms by Crown the Empire and start making weird noises to the sound effects and sing along to the deep voice talking, doing the full act. Then Andy's part comes on, but before I could start with him, the sound shuts off and my computer screen goes blank.

"What in the..." My instant reaction is to pull out my phone again and tell the group what just happened.

'Lol my computer just broke I thiiinnnkk...' I typed.

Jewel: what happened lol maybe I can help you.

'Uhh. idk i was listening to the baes on itunes and then it just shut off.'

Ryesha: Well did the battery die?????


Jewel: onfg

My computer turned back on, and rebooted. But as up-to-date my laptop is, it showed the boot screen, with black and white words over it. It skimmed over really fast and for a second I think I just got a virus. But then the screen turned blank again, with the curser and the beginning at the top left.

"The actual fuck did I do...."

The curser started typing. And my fingers were no where near the keyboard.

The curser typed my name with a question mark at the end.

I typed in 'Yes.' and hit enter.

'My name is Bones.'

I pulled out my phone and called Jewel on skype. Maybe she can comprehend what the hell is happening to my computer. There was no answer and that had me kind of worried. She always answers her skype...

The curser began typing again.

'Are you safe?'

These words make me feel even more worried. "Erika come here!" I yell to my sister. I hear her running through the hall.

I type, 'Who is this'

"Whaattt?" Erika says and crashes down onto my bed.

"Stay in here for a second."

The curser types, 'I just told you my name. Brianna please tell me that you are safe. Are there scarecrows outside?'

'Nice game you're playing. There's no one outside. What are you doing to my computer?'

"But whyyyy?" My sister asks.

"Erika shush!"

'Put my computer back to normal.' I type again. I try opening my phone but it won't turn on. Next thing I know I'm getting a phone call from an unknown number. The caller ID just simply says B. Is this 'Bones'?

I hit answer because it won't let me decline.

A glass breaks from down the hall and Erika screams. "Erika close the door!" She bolts up and slams the door shut.

"Wait, Dandy!" She swings it open again and runs out.

"God dammit Erika! NO!" I throw my phone down and chase after her. There's a loud noise above my house but I chose to ignore it for my sister's sake. I turn the corner into the living room and stop in my tracks. Erika is at my side, frozen as well.

In front of us is ..what looks like a transformer covered in grass with bare metal spots, swallowing my cat whole. The red-lighted goggles point towards us. And Erika freaks out. I grab her and pull her roughly down the hall and into my room.

"Help me!" I say to Erika as I push my dresser in front of the door. She helps me but it isn't much use to her considering she's 5. We manage to barricade the door in time. The creature is banging on it.

"Open the door, Briannaaaa." A robotic male voice says. Erika screams again.

I pick up my phone from the bed in a rush to dial 911 but I'm still on a call with Bones and there isn't a button that says hang up.


"Brianna, escape out your window. There is a helicopter outside waiting for you." The call ends there. I run over to the window in a hurry to get the locks undone.

"Erika come on!" I punch off the screen and lift her up. Thank the lord my room is on the first floor. Erika is crying but that is the least of my concern right now. I lift her and she climbs over the wall and falls onto the ground. The sound of wood breaking hits my attention and I jump through the window in time for the creature to break through. I take Erika's hand and run to the front lawn where a helicopter was floating just above my street. There were scarecrows in my neighborhood invading the houses. I hear screams from all around. I lift Erika up onto the ladder.

"CLIMB, NOW!" She cries harder. She grabs onto the ladder but doesn't move. The helicopter starts to take off and I have to grab onto the ladder in front of Erika and step onto the step beneath her. "Don't open your eyes Erika, I'm right here but I need you to climb... You remember climbing the monkey bars at preschool? You climbed so high, I thought you were going to fall. You were scared too.. But Erika, this time you aren't going to fall okay little sis? I'm right behind you. You're not going to fall."

Her tears stop for a split second and then she screams again. "ERIKA DON'T OPEN YOUR EYES!" We were up off the ground already.

"Climb!" A voice calls from above us.

"Erika grab onto me and don't let go!" She turns and wraps her arms around my neck and her legs around my waist. I'm so scared right now I think I'm going to fall. She's heavy!

But for both our sakes, I climb.

A Call To Arms (A Crown The Empire Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now