Don't ever trust the devil...

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Hayden's POV

Two Years Ago

I smile widely as I listen to the phone, hearing Brandon chuckle on the other line out of satisfaction.

"Aw yea," I tell him,"I'm telling you - she's perfect. I think its about time to put a ring on it."

I curl my hands around the small square box that was taken out of my pocket.

"I-I agree. Veronica's perfect for you," he tells me; I to smirked even more.

I make my way across the bar, scooching through the large crowds of drunk people. It was kind of freaking hilarious to see all these clumsy people fall all over the place when you're standing around 100% sober. But I promised I will not be for long.

"Do you see her yet?" Brandon asked through the phone. Through my endless searching for her, I have completely forgotten I was still in the middle of a conversation.

"I don't see her, man," I say out of exhaustion. "I don't think it's a good idea to propose to her at a bar anyways, you know? Kind of a suckish place."

"I don't know Hayden. Do whatever you want, it's your decision on how to make this perfect."

"We've been together for years. I don't think she'll mind," I say underneath my breath. Even though I really didn't mean it.

"I think you're doing great so far. You don't even seem nervous!" Brandon cheers. But I ignore his support, as bitchy as it may sound. I didn't know if I could do this. Nothing was stopping me and getting in my way, but I feel like something was.

I finally give up. "I can't find her, Hoover. I think I should head out back home. Hopefully she will be there - if she is I can't propose to her tonight. It will have to be some other perfect time."

I began to head out of the bar, employees giving me odd looks like they can see right through my soberness.

"Can I help you si-"

I exhaled deeply, not replying and swerving around her and exiting through the door.

"She told me she would be here..." I murmur to myself.


I flinch - yeah, its Brandon again.

"Crap, man, I'm sorry," I apologize.

He interrupts my apology. "You seem way more stressed out than you should be. Its okay, just ask her the big question another night. I - honestly - think the bar was the worst idea ever. Honestly, if that makes you feel any better."

All I could do was laugh. "I appreciate your honesty...?"

"Yeah, well get used to it. I gotta go man, good luck."

Brandon hung up, and I made my day over to my car, driving slowly on my way home.




"Veronica?" I call out, my voice echoing throughout the house as I pull my key out of the lock. I stood blankly in the doorway, my eyes exploring the empty house.

I make an entrance, turning on the light which lit up the living room. Nobody was there, and no noises were heard.

"Veronica?!" I yell again, but this time at a tone full of anxiety.

I heard a large bang come from upstairs, my eyes automatically meeting the ceiling. "Are you ok?!"

No response. I sprinted up the stairwell and rushed down the hallway towards our bedroom. I knock aggressively on the door.


Fine. Then I'm letting myself in.

I turn the doorknob swiftly, sliding the door inside of the room.

She scrambled around on the floor, her eyes glancing up towards me with a sour smile. I just stood in the doorway, a blank expression on my face. That of course, soon ended once I saw a man with a bare naked chest tugging her shirt.

"Hayden!" she cheered, a half smile on her face. "You're just in time!"

I stare at the both of them, shocked. The little box dropped loosely out of my hands and collapsed onto the carpet. She immediately giggles once she sees the ring descend out of the box.

"Wow, Hayden!" she laughs into my face, nuzzling her face into his neck. "Two years of being blind, only to find that I really don't love you. Don't ever trust the devil... Bitch."

And it was in that moment, I knew I couldn't trust anyone. Hell - I shouldn't of have trusted anyone in the first place. Trust is something you feel when you know that person won't cause you any pain. But everyone knows that there will be ALWAYS pain in the end.  No such thing as true love... so it won't ever be found. And I realize that because trust will always be lost.

I look down at Bri, as she scrapes the soles of her shoes on the ground.

I won't let you hurt me.

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