
217 11 5

Rtols od om fsmhrt.

Benn's P.O.V.

My head is throbbing.

My hands and feet are tied to opposite corners of this room.

My mouth is taped.

I have barely any energy.

I haven't been fed for how many days but at least they Scarecrows have the common courtesy to give me water every so often.

I know they only do this to keep me alive.

Its all part of the torture.

Starve me until I am ready to talk.

But I'll never be ready.

I'd rather die than reveal our secrets to them.

And the fact that they have to resort to starvation means that anyone else they have got captured here also hasn't told them anything and I use that as motivation to keep fighting through this.

The hunger is unbearable.

Yet when I saw them, Taylor and that ugly scarecrow, none of that mattered.

All that mattered was that Taylor got out of here because the Scarecrows will know if I go missing and they will do whatever it takes to find me.

Taylor pulls the tape off my mouth and wraps her arms around me. There she cries and whispers: "Thank God you're still alive"

"Thank God you're alive too, Taylor" I whisper because talking uses too much of my limited energy supply. "But listen to me, you can't take me out of here, they check on me every ten minutes or so. If they even knew you were here then you would be dead and I would be tortured. They are ruthless. There is no point. Leave. Save yourself and anyone else who came here with you and kill your little companion, they can all track each other's positions in the building."

"Benn, I can't leave you. I have to -"

"Go now, before they come and check on - "

"Benn, now isn't the time to be a stubborn ass bitch." She replies "I came all this way to save you and Erika and that is what I am going to do so quit complaining and let me untie you"

"But..." I start but realise it is no use. She always gets her way with me.

Two hands and a foot are untied when we hear the metallic whirring of the Scarecrows who were coming to check on me.

"Shit" both me and Taylor whisper under our breaths, something we have always done in synchronisation.

"Oi, you." Taylor whispers violently to the Scarecrow who was awkwardly standing in the corner all this time "Distract them now, if you don't do a good enough job I will send a bullet through your fucking brains. Have I made myself clear"

The figure in the corner nods and shuffles out of the room.

"Hopefully you can trust it Taylor" I say under my breath

"It doesn't matter now, you're untied and the gun is empty anyway I checked it a long time ago. It's mainly a scare tactic" she says with a smile on her face, "There's a door on the other side of the room, lets get out before they come back."

"Taylor, I haven't eaten in about a week, I doubt I can run"

"Fuck, well I'll just gave to carry you" she says, always optimistic

"WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON IN HERE" a nasal, horrifying voice shouted from the doorway, scaring the shit out of me and Taylor. "WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU?"

Without a second thought, Taylor threw the knife that she used to untie me directly at the Scarecrows heart.

It convulsed and collapsed to the ground, grunting in pain and then finally lay still. The dagger upright in its chest.

"Savage" I said

Taylor just looked at me, a guilty look on her face

"I have no idea what just came over me" she said, almost crying "why did I do that?"

"Taylor, this isn't the time for self reflection or crying, we have to get out of here before-"

The other Scarecrow stood in the doorway now, a smile on its face. 

"You think I don't know that gun isn't loaded, stupid human." it said "you wasted your only weapon and now you have to face me before I press the intruder alarm and the rest of the Scarecrow army arrives"

"Why are you telling us your plan?" I ask "You've ruined the entire surprise aspect now!"

I think Taylor picked up on what I was trying to do, distract him long enough for her to attack him.

I kept talking so that the Scarecrow would focus on me and forget about her. It has walked up to me and eventually was in my face, close enough that I could feel its breath on my nose but I refused to break eye contact and refused to stop speaking.

The Scarecrow reached out the small shocking device they all carry around with them and pointed it to my head.

That's when Taylor reacted, knowing full well the danger of the situation.

She pounced on the monster, knocking the machine out of its hand and across the room. I scrambled for it while she punched and kicked at the thing who was fighting back.

Having trained with Taylor since her arrival at RHQ, I knew that one of her weak points was physical combat so I knew I had to act quickly in order to make sure she gets out.

Despite feeling very lightheaded, I quickly get to my feet and stumble towards the taser, annoyed by my own exhaustion. As quickly as I can, I make my way across the room swaying with the effort of it all before I collapse, a giant mess on the floor and become unconscious from starvation. Just what the Scarecrows wanted.

Before I fall into the dark abyss of nothingness, I hear Taylor scream.

A Call To Arms (A Crown The Empire Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now