the start of the end

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Soleil's p.o.v

I sit alone in the apartment hugging my knees to my chest. There's noises outside and the ground from afar vibrates from explosions. I don't know what's going on out there but I can take a wild guess that the scarecrows found us. Bri and Jewel better be okay.. It scares me that they could be getting captured right now and we would have to go get them. And me on the otherhand, am sitting in a closet fearing for my life waiting for someone to miriculously show up and save me.

An explosion erodes from on top of me and everything starts to shake. I scream and hide my head between my knees. I can hear the hanging lights and picture frames crash to the floor; the apartment is probably a mess by now..

A door from the other room slams open and I jump. I hear items crashing to the floor, things breaking, and then it goes silent. I lean forward and peak through the tiny shudders of the closet of my room, and in steps a person dressed in black. I almost think it's someone I know but then I get a look at the face.

But it isn't even a face I'm fulling seeing. It's a human, but her face is covered with a mask like in the music videos. The nose sticks out and down while the mouth is left uncovered. As I observe the woman, the wall breaks behind me and suddenly, a machine is constructing a giant hole in the closet.

I scream at the giant contraption and back out of the closet. The woman seems less freaking harmful than the robot breaking through the wall. My heart races in my chest as it makes its way towards me.

A hand grabs a fist full of my hair and I'm being pulled up in the air. I yell out in pain and try to pry the hand away but it hurts too much. Then the woman releases me, but takes me arms behind my back and cuffs them together.

"What the.. No! Let me go!" I scream and kick her. A gun comes out of the metal/grass scarecrow's arm and its being pointed at my head.

"Walk, human," it says in a terrifying robotic voice. The scarecrow hits the gun against my head and I fall forward but catch myself.

"You heard him. Walk" the woman says. I look at her and she's smiling at me. I have no choice but to do as they say...or I get a bullet in my head. But..but I don't have to freak out..because I know they'll come for me. I don't have to worry; I'll be rescued.


Jewel's p.o.v.

As we ran to the basement floors, I realized that Benn wasn't behind us. Hayden had to leave to start his training session and soon after that, the alarms went off.

"Everyone okay?" A loud voice was heard on a speaker in the other room. Once we got there, tons of bodies dressed in black were in the middle of flipping out. Bones was up on the small stage with a microphone in his hand. "It's safe to say that the scarecrows can't get down here. The walls are made of layers of steel and lead and so are the ceilings. I've locked the elevators and gates, so I hate to say that if you know someone who is not down here, then we really can't help them.. And I know what you're all thinking! Our remainder of runaways are up there, probably getting captured, scared for their lives. But I can tell you this. The Raven's goal isn't to kill any of us. His goal is to develop betrayal in our fellow people, and try and switch sides." He went quiet and looked around at all the bodies. "I'm as worried as you guys, for our friends and family. And for me, some of my best men are being captured. That's both a good thing and a bad thing. Because I know they will not betray, they will FIGHT! And they will do all that they can to keep us safe. So for now, first thing in the morning, I need EVERYONE.. to go to the combat training grounds and the shooting range. Train as hard as you fucking can," at this moment, people were beginning to cheer for Bones. I look around and see several of them with tears on their faces, many being comforted by others, mostly guessing because someone they love are above ground.

"And I need you all to gain skill FAST. Everyone! We leave at dusk tomorrow. In the meantime, I'll have some canned foods brought out for those of you who are hungry. Please, remain put and stay calm. The Raven has started this war and soon enough, we will be the ones to end it. Thank you and stay safe." Bones walks off the stage.

I feel a shaky arm wrap around my waste and I'm pulled against someone's side. I look to the right and forget that I am standing next to Brent.

"It'll be okay," he whispers in my ear so only I can hear. "Come on, let's go find your friends."

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