This is not okay.

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Bri's p.o.v.

I shake in silence, continuously telling myself everyone is okay. But everyone is flipping out.. Why can't they just stay calm? You're just making the environment even more tense...

God dammit where is Jewel and Soleil..

"Bri, you need to relax." I look over and see Hayden with his arms crossed; he's looking around at everyone but me. As I'm sitting on the floor against the wall, I see Brent and Jewel run up to us. I jump up and hug her.

"Thank god you guys are okay," she says.

"Everyone else here?" Brent asks Hayden.

"I don't know. I see Dave. But no Andy, Benn, Brandon, or Holly. But who knows for sure?" Hayden still wouldn't make eye contact with me...

I release Jewel.

"Where is Sol? Have you seen her???"

"No.." Her face is sad and she looks as if she's going to cry. "They're going to get us.."


"No they aren't going to get us sweetie." Brent nearly cuts me off and he almost pulls her away from me to hug her. By all means, go ahead Brent...I'm sure she doesn't need her best friend right now.

But then again. He's Brent Taddie. I don't even have a chance. I just stand here by myself in hopes that Hayden would fucking comfort me already. But just my luck, he walks away into the crowd without a word.


Ryesha's p.o.v

Slowly but surely we continue our way down the stairs, Brandon leading the way and Andy guarding the back. We all hold hands as we edge our way down the pitch black stairway.

The alarms have stopped now and I don't know which is worse. The constant wailing of the alarms or the silence and stillness of the place only broken by our shuffling footsteps.

No one talks.

I try to think of the positives. At least I am safe, as safe as I can get anyway, and surrounded by two of my favourite people in the world. That was it. That was literally all the positives I could think of and soon enough the negatives come crashing down on me. What happened to my family, Bri, Jewel, Soleil? What if I die, here, today, while under attack because of these fucking scarecrows? Why do they keep bombing the place? Where are the rest of Crown The Empire? Are they all safe? Where are we going? How long will it take to get there? What if we don't make it?

An endless stream of questions appeared in my mind but I don't dare break the silence.







The constant cycle that never ends.

After what feels like an eternity, Brandon says "Ssssshhhhhhuuushhhh. Do you hear that?"

As if we were all talking anyway.

"No" Andy and I simultaneously say back, confusion and fear lacing our whispers.

"Probably just me then, come on we need to hurry."





"STOP" I whisper-shout, piercing the silence and leaving both Andy and Brandon still in shock

"What!?!?!" Andy asks, although I can't see his face, I knew he and Brandon were just as terrified as I was.

"I thought I heard a metallic whirring sound, similar to what the..." Then it hit me

"What!?!?!" Andy asks again, desperation in his voice this time

"Similar to what... the scarecrows sounded like when they came to my house" my voice faded with every word. My fear had come true. I'll probably get captured by one of those savage monsters before we even get down these fucking stairs. I'll never see my family again or meet Bri, Soleil and Jewel.

"We have to get down these stairs now, no time for caution just don't fall down. At the bottom there is a door, Ryesha. They should open it when they realise its us." Brandon said and both him and Andy let go of my hands and run down the stairs.

I had no choice but to follow.


Exhausted, we reach the bottom of the stairs but we have no time to catch our breath. The metallic whirring sounds were getting louder by the second.

Pounding on the doors, we all screamed at the top of our lungs for the people inside to answer.

I have no idea what is inside but any alternative seems better than this situation.

The doors must be really thick because my hands burn with every hit and with every hit, hope of an answer grew smaller.

The air began to smell funny.

Not a good sign.

We all banged desperately, screaming for someone to answer.

The gas that was contaminating the air was making me feel nauseated and dizzy.

We don't have much time but using our remaining energy on a lost cause seemed useless now.

We are too weak to fight or run or do anything other than just sit against the door awaiting out fates.

Brandon to my left and Andy to my right, we all passed out, scared for our lives.

A Call To Arms (A Crown The Empire Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now