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Ryesha's P.O.V.

I woke up, what seemed like seconds later, to Brandon quietly humming to himself

"Hi" I say

"Hey" he replies, before carrying on with his song

"What are you singing" i ask, curiously

"The guitar riff of an old cte song we never released" he says, smiling as if it has some sort of happy memory behind it which came flooding back.

I don't bother asking what the smile was about. I just get down to business.

"Brandon? How long are we going to stay here? It feels like its been weeks and I'm tired and hungry and sick of being tortured now. Can we plan an escape now please?" I say looking at the floor because I didn't want to look or sound too authoritative or bossy. Especially how he just told me he loved me

"We have to wait for the right second. Then we attack the Scarecrow until he is unconscious and cannot run after us and try and find the rest. Then we can escape. Okay?"


So we sit.

And wait.

A Call To Arms (A Crown The Empire Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now