I'm a number 3

378 13 9

Jewel's p.o.v

I stood in line with Bri and Soleil at my sides. The room is oddly quiet as everyone's fates were chosen by the representatives. I'm not going to lie, I wonder what they had under my name. What did they know about me? How are they going to place me? Okay well maybe I'm extremely nervous..

We neared the front of the line. Bri steps forward and leans against the table.

"Last name?" The lady with red hair asks. She was young and beautiful.

"Rose, Brianna Rose." She says, then looks at me and Soleil.

"It'll be okay." I reassure her. The lady looks through the several papers on her clipboard and crossed out a name.

"Brianna Rose, your department is Unseen Methods of Performance. Please precede behind door 7."

"Um okay," she says after taking a pin. She turns towards us and whispers, "What the hell is that?" and walks through door 7.

We both shrug. Soleil steps ahead of me.

"Soleil Agresta." She says.

The lady then looks back down at the clipboard and crosses out a name on the first page. "Agresta, you're in the Hospitality department. Please precede behind door 8."

Soleil took a pin from the box and waved me off. "See you at the apartment." she said.

"See you..." The lady looked at me and I step forward. "Jewel Darmis..."

She then looks down again, searching repeatedly through the papers with a confused look on her face. Then she pulls out a sticky note from the back clipboard, "Ah, here you are. Looks like you'll be working with Bones in the main department. I don't know he calls it the department of destruction." she laughs shortly, " You're one of the lucky three."

"Lucky three huh?" I said to myself. I watched the redhead pull out a walkie talkie from her belt buckle.

"Bones? I have a number three here with me." she says. A moment later he says, "Okay be right there."

She sets it down. "He'll be here shortly, please step aside."

As awkward as I feel waiting at the front of the line, I move aside and waited. I got three stairs from new recruits as they were told their departments. Then eventually I spot Bones walking towards me from across the room.

He smiles as he welcomes me. "Hey, looks like you'll be working with me. Jewel, was it?"

"Yeah," I smile at him.

"Alright, well come on. Let's go meet up with the other two." He turns and I follow him from where he came. "They aren't new recruits though, but they're two of my best men. I'm pretty sure you'll know them." Bones looks back at me and smiles. We exit the building, and the farther I get from Soleil and Bri the more unmotivated I am to go on with this...

We walk for what feels like forever. But in reality, it's only about a mile away. Probably not even that.

We approach a small two story building that looks more like a house surrounded by trees. The sun set a while ago, so it's dark outside with several stars at, which means that it's cold as crap.

"Don't worry, we're here." He says. "I told Brent to start a fire for us."

"Brent's here?" I ask.

"Yeah, he's number 2."

"Number for what exactly?" Like seriously. Can I get someone who can explain this better to me?

"You'll find out eventually."

"Oh my god." I say to myself. We approach the front door and Bones unlocks it with a key. He opens the door and we're welcomed with a breeze of warm air.

"Bones?" Says a voice, Brent, I'm guessing.

"Yeah, it's me." He shuts the door after I step inside.

"Hey, you again." Brent says to me, and I kinda find it hard to breathe.

"Yeah. Me again."

"So you're number 3?"

"Yeah I guess so.. Now will someone explain to me what number 3 is or.. does?"

"Tell her Brent, I'm going to go shower." Bones takes off up the stairs and I'm left standing by the door like a weirdo. He looks at me and starts to laugh.

"Well don't just stand there. Take a seat number 3." he motions towards the couches and walks off towards the kitchen. "Can I make you something to eat? Are you hungry?"

Brent Taddie is offering to make me dinner. I'm so damn surprised at how well I'm keeping my cool.

"Um. No thank you. And I have a name. And you know it, so use it." Where the hell is this coming from.

"Feisty. I like it."

Jesus fuck.

"A number 3 is the third best computer genius," he says as he sits across from me on the couch.

"Computer genius? And you're number 2? Who's number 1?"

"Bones considers himself number 1 I guess. We're the only two who live here."

"Oh okay..." I say awkwardly. He says nothing in response and I kind of just sit here. Silently. Soooo awkwardly I feel like I'm about to explode.

"SO wanna watch a movie or something?" He reaches for the remote and switches on the TV.

"Sh-shouldn't we be training or something? Trying to come up with a plan?"

"We can't do that without Bones and I think he's gonna pass out after he showers. It's been a long day for him. So we train tomorrow."

"Oh.. Well what are Bri and Soleil doing right now then?"

"They're training doesn't end until 3 a.m."

"3 AM??"

"Yeah, now hush. Help me pick a movie. I don't know what you like." his eyes are glued to the screen. He's going through the guide when there's several movies sitting on the shelves.

He selected the Amityville Horror.

After several minutes of just sitting there watching the movie, I start to grow tired and the urge to lie down and rest my back is consuming me. I glance at Brent about every ten seconds or so. To be honest, I hate this movie...


"Hey," a hand touches my shoulder and I bolt awake. I look up and see Brent kneeling down in front of me.

"Oh, sorry, did I fall asleep?"

He laughs, "Yeah, come on, you can sleep in my bed." The fuck, oh yes please...

He pulls me up gently by my arm and leads me up the stairs and into a room. The whole house is dark. And when we enter the room, he doesn't even care to turn on the light. But luckily my eyes have adjusted to the darkness so I won't trip over my own feet.

"You can sleep here,..." I sit down on the bed and kick off my shoes. "I'll just...sleep downstairs." He snatches a blanket from the bed and turns to leave.

"Um. Brent..."

He stops, "Yeah, what's up."

"Thank you." I say softly. What I wanted to say was that he could sleep with me ha....But the guy doesn't even know me so I let it slide.

"No problem, sleep well." and he leaves.

I lie down a snuggle into the blankets, drunk of the smell of him and instantly fall back asleep.

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