Such A Bitter Irony

160 4 6


Olyn fi oyu merbmee

Lilw oyu merbmee em?

Ebacseu rhee mesco honJny


"Bri, wake the hell up!"

I open my eyes to blurred vision and the painful sight of fluorescent lights.

"Hayden I--I can't breathe."

I felt his fingers lace through my hair, and applied pressure to the back of my head. This is a action to tell me to sit up and it wasn't expressed in an agressive or chaotic way. His warm hand brought comfort to me, releasing my tense muscles as I prop myself on my shoulders.

I feel something being brought up to my lips, making me flinch out of shock by its briskness. My eyes begin to adjust to the moment; Hayden coming into my sight (at a distance), with a small little smirk. I began to realize the thing placed up to me was a bottle of water, and I snatch it out of Hayden's hand and chugged it down like a dry dog.

I hear his soft little chuckles come from beside me as I shut my eyelids and enjoy the sensation of cool water swishing down my throat. It seemed to clear my throat of the substance; allowing me to breathe deeply once again after the water bottle detached from my lips.

I glare at Hayden a bit, handing him the almost empty bottle of water. "Did you clean out your eyes?"

"Definetly. I needed to in order to get us out of the vents."

I nod slightly, then focus myself on my surroundings. This place almost looked as if it was a doctors office, except it was free from any furniture. When we speak, our voices sort of echo across the room just like how it was in the vents. I assumed it was from the cold tile floor.

Maybe it was a little too cold.

"I - I'm cold," I stutter, rubbing my hand on my arms. Which soon made me realize that my leather jacket was gone. "Where is my jacket?"

"Long story," Hayden mumbles, nearly to the point where I couldn't hear him. He took the last few sips out of my water bottle than threw it agressively (yet casually, which doesn't seem to make sense), across the room and it ricocheted off the wall. My eyes follow the path the water bottle takes, then it finally breaks itself against an object covered in teared pieces of cloth.

"What's that?" I question, pointing over to the object.

"Scarecrow," he says, twitching a half grin.

"Is it d-dead?" I stutter, glaring towards Hayden.

"Hope so. But I think your jacket definitely took care of that."

"Hayden!" I wine,"You murdered it with my jacket?!"

Hayden sighs as I continue to fume out all of my anger by throwing little punches on his arm--which didn't seem to come to his attention whatsoever. He began to take his arms out of the sleeves of his own jacket, then threw it off of himself entirely which exposed a black t-shirt underneath. With a small little smile, he sets the jacket on top of my shoulders.

"Better?" Hayden asks, scratching the back of his head.

I nod, pulling the rims of the jacket and wrapping get it tighter around me like it was a blanket. "Better."

He stands up off the ground, clapping get his hands together. "Ready to go? I bet Brandon and Ryesha are in freaking hell right now."

"As long as you can see fine, I'm good and ready to go," I assure him, mocking his stance and picking myself up.

"Alright, then let's get a move on then."

Dizziness falls upon me from standing up to abruptly, filling up my sight with fuzz. But in this moment, I just brush it off my shoulders. My best friend was being tortured nearly to death, and I needed to do everything in my power in order for her to live. I will not be a freaking wimp, (especially in front of Hayden ), just becuase of some stupid freaking accident with gas and an anxiety disorder without medication.

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