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Soleil p.o.v.

He stares at me with those beautiful brown eyes and smiles. I practically melt; my knees are shaking at how gorgeous he is in person. I seem to be in my own little world for a moment, just gazing at him.

And then he speaks.

"So Bones wants everyone to freshen up and get changed into uniform. Then meet everyone in the RHQ." He looks around at Jewel, Bri, and Brent.

"What's RHQ?" Jewel asks, she looks at me and smiles. I'm not sure what for though. Oh but maybe its the lovestruck look I have on my face. Or maybe I could possibly be pale as fuck because I feel like passing out? I dunno could be both...

"The resistance head quarts," answers Brent. He looks as us and walks towards the door. "I'll wait outside for you to guys to get changed." He has the slightest smirk on his face, then he looks towards Brandon. "Coming?"

"HE CAN...stay, I mean...." I blurt, then instantly regret it as all eyes are on me. "If you want. Of course. I mean, you can stay too Brent..Uh.." I look at Bri for help. She's holding in her shits and giggles...she better.. I look at Jewel and she's doing the same. I just screwed up bad, didn't I...

"Yeah you guys can stay inside if you want.. We won't be long." Jewel says, rescuing me finally. Brent and Brandon laugh and make their way to the couches as me, Bri, and Jewel head to the bedroom we were in before.

The door shuts, and I start smacking myself repeatedly, taking heavy breaths.

Laughs surround me.


"That was freaking hilarious." Bri says as she opened the closet. She puts her blonde hair up in a pony tail.

"Dude just chillax. I bet he thinks you're adorable. Did you see him blushing?" Jewel says.


"SHHH!!" She both shush me.

"How is this happening to me.." I say to myself and facepalm. "My idol is here and I'm the one he's blushing at. I might as well kill myself because all these feels.."

"Soleil shut up and get dressed." Bri is throwing black clothes at me and then she throws me shoes, in which one hits me in the face.

"Ah! God dammit Brianna..." I feel stunned. I open my eyes and Bri and Jewel are already half way done getting dressed.

I take off my shirt, my mind crowded with thoughts of Brandon, just outside the door. As I removed my shirt, I'm thankful for my spaghetti strap undershirt because I get self-conscious about changing in front of people. I slip on the black t-shirt and the vest with the cog and crown on the back. Can't believe I actually have one of these..finally.

I go into the bathroom to change my pants and put my shoes on. By the time I return to the room, Bri and Jewel are lowly talking. Bri sees me and looks me up and down.

"Ready yet? I wanna go find some Andy booty!" She starts laughing.

"Yeah, mhm.." But no I'm not ever going to be ready to face Brandon.. But oh well.

We all leave the room, dressed and ready. As we round the corner to the living room Brent and Brandon are on the couch talking. They get up when they see us.

"Okay, let's go. We're already late." Brent says and heads towards the door.

"Late for what?" Bri asks.

"The new recruit meeting."

"The recru..say what?" Jewel asks, catching up to walk next to Brent's side as we head up the stairs to the first floor. But she totally just wants to hold his hand, you can so see it.

"You guys are all new recruits. You go to the meeting, you meet bones, and then you get placed into different departments." He explains.

"Different departments?" Bri scurries up next to Brandon. "What's he talking about Brandon?" She then looks at me and smiles but it fades as soon as it came. That bitch.

But then Brandon looks back at me and smirks. Then he laughs, which causes me to laugh because he can see right through Bri.

"Departments. Groups that best fit your skills." He explains.

"What kind of departments are there?" She asks again.

We round the corner and then we're outside in a walkway towards another large building.

"Uhh you'll find out, there's a ton but for now just be worried about what you'll be placed in."

Soon enough, we enter the building and there's at least a hundred people dressed like us chatting about in front of a stage. On the far side of the room are several doors and tables placed in front of them.

"Just in time." Brent says.

A man steps up onto the stage and speaks into a microphone, silencing everyone. He looks young, his face and clothes covered in dirt smudges and a bandana tied around his neck.

"Quiet everyone." He says. Everyone becomes quiet and turns towards the stage. "My name is Bones, I'm head of this facility. Everyone here are new recruits, correct?" He looks around. "So here's whats going to happen. We have all your names on file already, so you're going to be placed in a special department that matches your skills. You will train, you will learn, you will practice. Because we need to fight off the Scarecrows and save our country. We need to develop plans that will help us take down the Raven and his army. We will. And I repeat. We WILL get our country back and regain out freedom. Whoever doesn't want part of this can go ahead and leave through the door and allow them to take your freedom. Anyone else, get in lines in front of the tables to your right. You will tell them your last name. You will receive a Rebel pin. And you will be told your department. Go through the door that matches your department name, and then you will begin your training. That is all, and good luck."

The room breaks out in cheers and giant crowds begin to form lines in front of the tables. I swear there's too many people here...

I look to Bri and Jewel. "So we're going to be separated?"

"You will go back to your apartment at o-3 hundred," says Brent. "See you guys on the battlegrounds." He leaves with Brandon.

"Say what...." Jewel says.

"My thoughts exactly."

A Call To Arms (A Crown The Empire Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now