Now what?

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Ryesha's P.O.V.

A load of questions burst from my mouth and Andy tried his best to answer them as quickly as I asked them.

As I just begin to calm myself down an explosion shook us from underneath, engulfing the jet in a cloud of eerie black smoke

"SHIT!!" Andy and I both shouted as we were thrown to the floor by the force of the impact.

Almost as quickly as he was on the floor, Andy recovered and sprinted to the cockpit screaming for Connor to open up.


Confused and petrified, I follow Andy to the cockpit and he drags me inside the second the doors are wide enough for us to squeeze inside.

"Connor, get us to RHQ immediately, I don't care how you do it, just get us there NOW!!" Andy was almost screaming by this point

"Andy, what's going on?" I ask, scared of the answer

"I don't know but it cant be good, we have to get to RHQ immediately"

Overcome by fear, anxiety and motion sickness, I sink to the ground, on the verge of tears. Andy sits next to me and cuddles me for the rest of the journey. I feel safe in the protection of his arms.


Connor lands the jet and says he has to go "finish his business"

I thank him for keeping me safe and looking after me while I was a mess. He brushes it off, so modest.

Andy stands waiting impatiently in the doorway gesturing for me to leave. I wave goodbye to Connor for the last time and follow Andy out the jet.

I would say it was nice to get out the cramped, enclosed conditions of the jet and into some fresh air, but the air is anything but fresh. It was caked with smoke, debris, dust and soot. Choking Andy and I as we sprint to the nearest door of RHQ, a huge building with very few windows but many floors, the pathway was cracked and missing in some places, the explosion must have taken its toll on the surrounding of the building.

We reach the door, Andy fumbles for his pass getting more and more frustrated with every second he wastes. I don't understand why its so important we get inside so quickly but I just go along with it. Andy finds his pass, opens the door, drags me inside and slams it shut again. The sound of the door echoes through the otherwise silent building.

There was literally no one here but Andy and I. The place was deserted and this entire 'rescue mission', flying me across the world, seemed pointless.

After gasping for breath and choking from the smoke outside, Andy runs and gestures for me to follow.

"No" I say, "I'm not leaving until I know whats happening" my voice echoes through the building making what I said seem more harsh than I intended but I go along with it.

"Aahhh, here it is. The stubbornness Bones warned me about." He said, smirking.

"What?" I can feel the frustration spreading like wildfire inside me. I just wanted to know what was going on.

"Bones said you refused to do anything you asked until you got the answers you wanted."

"Then just tell me what's happening and then we can run off to your secret little hideaway"

"That 'secret little hideaway' could save your life. Ok listen, I don't know why, I don't know how but we're under attack, I need to get you to the ground floor so you're safe and I can defend the building against-"

"Shut the fuck up and hide you dumbasses" a voice I recognised straight away - Brandon Hoover - quite possibly the most adorable man alive. "Get to the ground flo-"

The ground beneath our feet vibrated from the impact from yet another explosion, it felt closer this time. Brandon dived for me and Andy and we all crashed onto the floor across the hall on top of each other. He literally just saved us from a falling light which had come loose from the violent vibrations.

"Oh my fucking God, thanks so mu-"

"No time, just run"Brandon screamed. He drags me and Andy to our feet and we all bolt for the nearest flight of stairs. Brandon at the front, me close behind and Andy at the back. Damn, Brandon is fast.

We hurtle down the stairs, skipping steps every now and again, occasionally losing our footing but never falling completely over.

By this point my legs were starting to tire, the build up of lactic acid burning like a thousand suns. Common sense told me that this wasn't the time to ask for us to stop so I pressed on and urged my arms and legs to keep moving.

After about two minutes of flat out sprinting down the stairs, tripping and heavy breathing, we are half way down. Brandon said we could stop so we all stood, doubled over attempting to catch our breath. Even though he was sweaty as fuck, Brandon looked so adorable and cute that I had to resist the urge to throw my arms around him and embrace him in the tightest hug ever. Probably one of the hardest things yet.

"Ok, we have to leave now." He said after our 30 second break "we can't waste too much time when we have no idea what is going to happen next."

So we continued to run down the stairs and after about 10 seconds the lights went. We are in complete darkness, pitch black, in the middle if a staircase. Great.

"At least we didn't take the lift, we'd be trapped" says Andy, making the most out of a literal dark situation.

"Now what?" I ask

"Take my hand" the voice came from Brandon. I have actual butterflies in my stomach and I resist the urge to giggle like a 6 year old with all my will power. I will be holding hands with Brandon Hoover and Andy Leo. Dream. Come. True.

With zero hesitation I grabbed what felt like their hands and was led down the remaining stairs, Brandon, my babe, in front and Andy behind.

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