a sharp turn in events

307 11 6

5 pm

Hayden's pov

"Okay, everyone ready to start?" I clap my hands together and raise my voice at everyone. "You all practiced that move today right?"

The room filled with low mumbles.

"We were exhausted, how do you expect us to practice it when training is 5 to 3 am? We aren't even used to this new sleeping schedule." A new recruit says from the back.

"Okay, I stand corrected. Why is yoga important anyways?" I ask.

"It works on our flexibility and balance skills." I see Bri make her way to the spot in front of me. The mats aren't out today because I have something else planned.

For about two hours, I teach everyone some basic fighting techniques until they're all sweating bullets. Which I don't even understand. How can everyone be this out of shape?

"Okay keep going everyone," I make my way towards the door to my apartment and run my fingers through my hair in slight frustration. As I step in, I didn't know Bri was right on my tail.

"Uh, am I allowed to come in?" she asks, standing just outside the door.

"Um yeah sure. Come in, I was just gonna get a water. Want anything?"

"No thank you," she steps inside and curiously looks around my place. It's a bit dark but that's how I like it. All my stuff was in this one room: my bedroom, kitchen, I didn't really have a living room, and of course the bathroom was separate from everything else. My walls were black, my comforter is black, the carpet is black. The only thing not black is the kitchen, where I had white tiles and granite counters. And the table was wooden brown as well.

When I flicked on the light, only the kitchen light came on.

"I'm totally digging your place right now," Bri says.

"Oh yeah?" I grab a water from the fridge. "You sure I can't get you anything?" I look over at her and throw out my most famous, killer smirk. She basically turns red, but I don't think she knows it.

But she's totally into me.. And I sure am going to have fun with this.

"Uh.. water is fine, I guess. It is a bit warm in here."

Ha ha, no it's not.

But I go ahead and grab another water and toss it to her. She catches it, barely.

I sigh and crash down on my bed. "I swear, those kids are going to be a fucking handful to train."

"Well maybe I can help?"

"Yeah? You wanna help?" I sit up and look at her.

"Yeah, I mean you could train me individually after training is over and perhaps it wouldn't be so hard."

"Individually, huh?" I smirk again. The look on her face is priceless and boy is this entertaining.

"N..no that's...that's not what I mean.."

"Come here."

"What?" Let me mess with you some more...


Bri's pov.

"Come here."

"What?" Jesus Christ he's so fucking intimidating I shouldn't have came here with him, I feel like I'm about to explode. My heart is racing so fast, I bet he's having so much fun with this.

"I said, come here," he repeats. But this time he stands up from the bed and his voice gets deeper.

"M..maybe we should get.."

"Do you trust me or not?" Is this a trick question...


"Um yeah? Or yes?"


"Yes what?" Is he fucking kidding me.

"Yes sir?"

"Then come here, Brianna." Ever so slowly, I make my way towards him, hugging my arms to my stomach. I can hear my heart clearly pounding in my ears.

My life flashes before my eyes, and suddenly I open them, and I'm lying on the bed with Hayden on top of me with a sharp pain in my neck. I scrunch my face up in pain.

"You're going to have to learn so many tricks and moves if you want to train those kids. You down for that?" His voice is soft in my ear.

I push him off of me, irritated that he made my neck hurt and I got excited over nothing.

"Fine, just don't do that to me again." I head back over towards the door while holding my neck that is currently cramping. I look over my shoulder and see him laughing. Augh!

A red light goes off and lights up the room, and I stop in my tracks. I look above the door and see a red siren light flashing in the top corner of the room, turning everything that was once black, red.

"SHIT!" Hayden yells and runs for the door.

"What is that??" I ask but he's already gone. Then I hear him yelling at everyone to get to the first floor. I leave his apartment and lost him in the swarm of recruits flooding the elevators.

"Hayden!" I yell, but everyone is panicking. I yell his name again but he's at the front of the group, repeatedly pressing the elevator buttons. I squeeze my way through the bodies to the front. "Hayden, what's going on?" I ask when I'm at his side.

"I don't know. Red sirens mean we're under attack. We have to get to the low levels." The elevators finally open and everyone crowd in the double doors. I feel as if they were going to break and we all die as we crash to the bottom. This thought gave me anxiety.

The recruits in the elevator kept asking questions towards Hayden but he just remained silent and stared straight ahead.

"Look!" someone shouts and everyone turns around towards the glass wall. There's an explosion on the other side of the city and smoke is clouding the air. Everyone panics, and still Hayden remains silent. He turned back around and I decided to too. I don't really want to watch any catastrophe that's happening outside...

Hayden's hand brushes against mine as we stop and I went ahead and grabbed for it. He didn't pull away, just held it tightly.

The doors open to the first floor, where it's nearly vacant.

"No one move," Hayden orders and I find it kind of attractive.. He steps out, releasing my hand, and tells the recruits from the other elevator to go to B3, then he comes back into the elevator and presses the B3 button on the panel. The doors shut and we go down again.

And Hayden grabs my hand like how I did before. I get butterflies instantly and no matter how much I wanted to smile over my shoulder, I held back.

The elevator doors open again and I don't know what's worse. The number of bodies, the noise, and the heat, or the site from the elevator glass..

"Jesus fuck..." Hayden says.

A Call To Arms (A Crown The Empire Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now