Author's Note

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Hello loves! Long time, no see... the last few months have been so crazy and exhausting that writing has honestly been on the farthest back burner possible. With baby showers, work, traveling, and welcoming our rainbow baby into the world last month, I've been in survival mode! With that being said, life is starting to somewhat normalize, and I've got an urge to write that I haven't had in months!

Updates won't be super speedy, what with caring for a one month old, but I'm hoping to get some chapters out before my maternity leave ends and I go back to work! As always, thank you guys so much for being the most patient readers imaginable!

PS. if you're itching to read something, and can't wait for an update, go check out my other historical fic 'A Dangerous Game' or if you're a Harry Potter fan, 'The Girl Who' series!


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