Chapter Two|♠Functional Disturbances ♠|

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It's me again, bringing you another banger✨😗
Before you go on with this chapter, go back and mark attendance on the previous one.
Don't look at me like that, go back and vote!💙🔪

Commenting and sharing has obviously been done, p.s I trust you guys, don't fall my hand.

Anyway, Enjoy your new chapter, and remember to vote at the end 😗✨♥♥
I'll still remind you anyway Sha😂♥💙
           Dedicated to prevail_mc
          Because she's a fighter 🦋
                ♥ Gracious Adenike ♥

Two diamond studs sat elegantly on each ear as she used her ring light, to put  finishing touches to her makeup.

This week's fasting was starting to drain her, and she felt a dizzy as she applied  lipgloss.

She took a moment to recover from her recent dizzy spells, and stood up to see what she looked like.

She took a quick glance at her reflection in the mirror, admired what she had done on her body,  her ribs felt poked at, and she noticed how her new waist trainer sat too high on her  waist.

She pulled the waist trainer down to sit better on her waist, she was about leaving when she noticed her skirt sat too high.

Daddy would complain she thought as she dragged it down to a moderately lower length.

Her father would definitely have a problem with that later on, so she decided to put on her sweater.
Pulling it over her skirt, she dusted the dark green fabric, packed her braids in a ponytail, picked up her green school bag, and left the room.

The drive to school was extremely long,and Lumen took even more time to find her car keys and start the car.

“Next time please call me when you're ready to go" Gracious hissed as she tossed her school bag to the backseat giving herself more room to fasten her seat belt.

Her stomach growled loudly,she was hungry.
Gracious switched on the car radio, ignoring the look Lumen gave her to drown out the sound, and if possible her thoughts.

Gracious pulled out her Iphone, scrolling through Instagram pages.

Kim Kardashian had uploaded a new post, she gazed at the image for a few minutes, admiring the curves on her screen.

Gracious did a  quick  estimate of her savings balance, and decided to buy some body tape.

She skipped to her next favorite profile, The Lasgidi Vault.

Since she had started posting on Instagram,  The Lasgidi Vault had been her favorite gist plug. They had all the latest gossip in Nigeria and always found dirt on any celebrity who didn't want to be in their magazine.

“Nobody told me that you commented on this recent magazine" she noted aloud glancing briefly at her best friend.

“Nobody needs to tell you that Gracious,and besides that Chikamsi girl is doing well,I just wanted to encourage her."

“I'm just concerned that she's joining the big league and I'm still here" a frown creased Gracious' features when she said that.

Her Instagram page was nearly empty, with pictures and posts in her drafts.

"Nobody cares about what you look like Grace, everybody cares about what you bring to the table."

"What if I want to be the table?."

Lumen took the next turn, and they reached school.


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