Chapter Thirty Eight|♠ Choices and Pregnancies ♠|

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It is I!!!😗😗😂
How are you guys doing?
I'm editing this chapter at four am, and I have work tomorrow morning, this morning rather 😗
Enjoy your read 😗💙


“You're thinking straight abi? Shebi nobody forced you to do this right?" Gracious asked her, looking away from Lumen's stomach.

The white girl nodded and smiled, “It's what I've always wanted." She sighed, Gracious' honey brown eyes widened in surprise, “You've always wanted a baby?" Lumen chuckled and didn't respond, rubbing her non-existent baby bump instead.

“You know this could get you expelled right?" Gracious asked her.

Her best friend was out of her mind if she thought Gracious was going to allow her go through with this madness.

It had been two weeks since the whole school had come back from the Nationals competition, and everybody was expected to settle down and prepare for the end of term examinations, and her best friend was thinking of getting pregnant.

Gracious sat in her usual seat beside Lumen, the classroom was scanty. Her classmates had stopped coming to school,most of them were either at home, reading or whiling away time, waiting for their exams to start.

Not Chetachi though, he had come to school everyday, dutifully performing his duties as head boy before he handed over the post to his immediate juniors.

Gracious hadn't wanted to ignore him, she had gone over to speak to him when he came back.

But when Chetachi's eyes lit up, and he took her hand in his, she knew he was still hoping.

Chetachi was still hoping for something Gracious didn't want to give him, something she didn't even have in her to give him.

So, she had done what she felt was proper, Gracious had decided to walk away. That was what she had been doing each time the light skinned boy came up to talk to her.

“Are you even listening?" She snapped out of her reverie and muttered a very unconvincing yes to Lumen, who eyed her.
“When I find a donor, I and my baby are moving into an apartment near the Pink Dessert House."

She let out a heavy sigh, Lumen was too young to be thinking of having a child, she was just eighteen. “If you get expelled,you know that means no yacht party abi?" Gracious asked her.

“Yup," she responded, popping the P. “I'm having my baby and that's final." Gracious rolled her eyes and shrugged, “You're the boss, I guess."

“Yup," Lumen responded, still popping the last letter. Gracious frowned, “Why are you popping that p? Leave it alone abeg." She said, her best friend chuckled and said, “Yes ma, sorry I mean yup,"

“Why do I even know you?" She groaned, ignoring the looks a few classmates threw her way, Lumen grinned. “I'm the most influential teenager in Nigeria,and probably rank to ten in the world, that's why you know me," she said.

“Correction, your parents are the seventh most influential people in the world, you're just rubbing off on their popularity." Gracious bit her lip, wishing she could take back what she had just said.

Lumen's parents had been a touchy subject for her since they finalized their divorce proceedings.

“Well, at least I'll have a child of my own, and maybe if you hadn't thrown away Chetachi's love, you would have had someone as well." The white girl said as she stood up.
The tips of her ears and the bridge of Lumen's nose had turned red, she was annoyed, understandably so.

“I didn't love Chetachi back," she retorted, but Lumen had already gone.

“Are you okay?" She knew who it was without looking up, James would never ask her that question.

Not like she cared as much as she used to, anyway. He was missing in action the day the black van showed up with Eniola inside, and hadn't returned to school since then.

“Chetachi I'm fine, leave me alone." She saw the hurt in his features,saw it in the way his eyes dimmed and his shoulders dropped.
She wished he hadn't done that, because it just gave her more reason not to like him.

It was hard enough having to bear people's constant nagging about how you rarely found a person that loved you as much as Chetachi loved her, and how she shouldn't break his heart, but seeing him react that way annoyed her even more.

If he was free to love her, shouldn't she be free to decide if she felt loved by him as well?
The lightskinned boy walked away, not sparing her a backward glance.

Gracious sighed in relief when he had gone,for a brief moment, she wondered what it would be like. If she loved Chetachi like he claimed he loved her.

Authors Note

I think this is the first time I've written a whole chapter in just one character's point of view, correct me if I'm wrong though 😗

How did you guys like this chapter? And yes, Lumen is planning on having a baby🙂

Gracious and Chetachi, well all I have to say is that the Chectacious or Chamara ship don hit iceberg.

Plix vote, comment and share, and make this hottie happy 😗💙
Also, not that any of you asked me, but my birthday is in October!💙😗
Hanty Deeza loves you all 💙💙💙

Do have a nice rest of the day, now go read other people's books! 💙💙💙

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