comfort hours.

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Rana softly groans as she adjusts on the couch and sends the final email of the day. She slams the laptop shut and exhales in joy, but the pain is messing with her.

It's not just the pain. It's the nausea and overall discomfort. The hot water bottle is calmly placed around her torso and she starts humming in relief.

The humming reminds her of Harry and she's starting to understand why he hums to relax himself.

Speaking of, she hasn't been able to reply to his messages because she honestly spent the morning crying on her toilet.

As she lets the heat soothe her, there's a rushed and yet soft knock. It only means one thing.

The knock sounds again and she groans before gently pulling herself up. Holding onto the hot water bottle, she calmly goes to the front door and opens to meet Harry standing there.

The man looks different with shades on and she notices he's carrying a heavy tote bag with the blossom name splattered around it.

With a concerned frown, he helps himself in and waves his phone before her. Yes, he is ready to scold his lover with care.

"Why? Where is your phone?" he calls out as she shuts the door.

"I actually don't know," she groans, slowly returning to her comfortable seat.

"That's not good, okay?" He follows her and notices the place has been turned into a makeshift bedroom.

Once she settles down, she looks at him and admires how handsome he looks.

"Did you go out?" she asks, pointing at the tote.

"Yes, uh...ingredients testing for the shop," he explains.

"You look hot with the shades," she giggles, pointing at the shades.

Harry rolls his eyes as he takes them off and he studies her with concern.

"You look tired," he frowns a little.

"Can you at least lie that I look good?" she frowns, staring at him.

"I cannot lie to you, I love you," Harry shakes his head at her.

Rana smiles a little and knows she doesn't have a witty comeback for that.

"I love you babe, kiss?" she asks, touching his arm.

Harry leans for a kiss and she groans in pain. He notices she's holding the hot water bottle to her belly and he frowns in more concern.

Rana has never shown this type of discomfort and he knows she's someone that easily hides her feelings from everyone.

Tenderly, he cups her face and manages to hold brief eye contact as she softly exhales through the irritating pain shooting through her lower back area.

"Jammy, okay?" he asks, moving closer to her.

"No. Cramping badly," she manages to say.

"Where? What happened?" he asks, confused.

"No, my period. Period cramps," she explains with a shaky exhale.

This doesn't sound great.

Now he doesn't have a lot of friends but he has heard of the menace called period pain and he knows it's not great.

Skye has had cramps and so has Pet, but it's never been this bad. He looks at his girlfriend and immediately wants to take away all the pain.

"What do you need?" he breathes out, calmly bringing a hand to rub her back.

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