⚡️ Chapter Five ⚡️

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"Yeah, ok? I saw the big guy." Eren answers everyone's question about him seeing the Colossal Titan.

It was now time for dinner and a lot of people are circled around Eren, asking him questions about that day in Shiganshina.

I'm not sitting with him right now. Instead, I'm sitting with Mikasa at a table nearby, listening to what he's telling them. Armin was sitting next to me, but he left to go to bed.

"Whoa...seriously?" A guy asks.

"Ok. How tall exactly was he?!" Another guy exclaims.

"He stuck his head over the outer wall." Eren explains.

"Whoa, wait! I heard he stepped over the wall completely." A guy remarks. He heard a really untruthful rumor.

"So did I!" A girl informs, also hearing the untruthful rumor.

"That was the rumor in my village, too!" A guy shouts.

"Nah." Eren says, shooting down the rumor they had heard. "He was big, but not that big."

"So, what did it look like?" I hear Mina ask.

I rest my cheek in my hand and sigh softly. "It was big and ugly. There's nothing else to it..."

"Y/n, are you sure you don't want my bread?" Mikasa asks, holding her bread out in front of me.

I nod. "Yes. I'm sure. I don't want it. Someone could turn you in for giving it to me. I'm not really hungry anyways."

"It had a mouth like a corpse." Eren starts explaining the Colossal Titan. "It had no skin. Just muscles."

"What about the Armored Titan?" A guy asks. "You know, the one that broke into Wall Maria."

Hmm...I guess the 'Armored Titan' is a really fitting name for the Titan, since it did look like it had armor on.

"Is that what they're calling it?" Eren asks. "In all the panic, it was just another Titan to me."

"What were they like?" The same guy asks, making Eren gasp softly and drop his spoon. I'm guessing he just had a flashback. He has flashbacks a lot.

I stand up to tell them to stop asking so many questions. Were they even considering what this meant to him or me or Mikasa? This was the day our homes were taken from us.

"Come on, you guys." Marco speaks up. "That's enough questions, alright? I'm sure he'd rather not relive everything he went through."

"Thank you, Marco." I nod at him, to which he nods back at me. I sit back down.

"Sorry!" Connie quickly apologizes. "We didn't mean to-"

"It's not like that!" Eren exclaims. "Those stupid Titans. They're really not that big of a deal. If we all focus on mastering the ODM gear they give us, then it's Titan payback time!"

"Eren, don't say they're not a big deal." I speak up. "They're the reason Shiganshina lost a lot of its population."

"Fine. They're not a big deal to me." He corrects. "I've waited years to be trained as a soldier. All of a sudden, the reality is sinking in. I'm joining the Scout Regiment, then I'm sending the Titans back to hell. I'm going to butcher them all."

"Mikasa, are you going to do anything about this?" I ask.

She shakes her head. "Not yet. He's just speaking his mind."

"What he's doing is being irrational..." I abruptly stand up, making Eren and the others look at me. "Don't start thinking irrationally, Eren. Every time you do, something bad happens."

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