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Yedam stayed up all last night looking through his edits or like random clips of the performance and soccer. He didn't know exactly what he was looking for but he would go to every account and see if he could find any hints.

god, what is his name?

what is his name?

Yedam sighed, hitting his phone trying to adjust the screen as it rotated, "stupid phone."

Then a video pops up, it was his song from the other night at the pub but it was put down and cut off at the end, "so odd it's not even the whole song."


Yedam clicked the profile to look over it to see it was filled with him. His TikTok, his Instagram, and lastly his Twitter.

"Hey hyung," Haruto walked into his studio sitting on the couch which Yoshi and Mashi followed.

"This fan account of mine has ten thousand followers," Yedam said showing them.

"That's a lot for just a fan account," Mashiho said.

"Oh, Dobby! Yeah, everyone knows him," Yoshi said.

"How do you know it's him," Yedam asked.

Yoshi held up a finger and scrolled through his phone, "I was doing some searching and found him he posts dance videos and sometimes singing ones, he can play the piano. I just know cause he has a spam account and I follow him, he's pretty cool."

"You are just now telling us this because," Yedam said.

Yoshi shrugged, "you guys are always too busy so I like to take care, look over and interact with our fans."

"Does he know it's you," Haruto asked.

Yoshi shrugged again, "maybe, maybe not, I followed him on a spam account also."

That gave Yedam an idea and he smiled, "you are a genius."

The boys watched as Yedam made a new account on Twitter which he never really used in general but, he thought maybe he could connect with the boy he was looking for. Something was telling him that this account was it, seeing that had really old photos of him. It meant they have been around for a while, maybe it was him. It had to be him.

Meanwhile, Doyoung was editing another edit to post. When someone called him which made him let out a frustrated sigh.

"Yes jeongwoo?"

"I have a question."

"Okay, what is it?"

"What would you do if you found out one of your mutuals where a fake fanaccount?"

Doyoung tilted his head a bit confused, "what do you mean?"

"Like let's say Yedam ran a fake fan account to talk to his fans on a more personal level."

"Dude that would be kind of crazy."

"Right? It's one of my new story ideas."

"I like it you should write it," Doyoung said.

"Okay, hey, are we still going out tonight?"

"What are we doing again?"

"I thought Yedam had another show," Jeongwoo said.

"Yes, oh my, I nearly forgot."

"Again? Dobby what is up with you."

"Sorry, i keep thinking of Yedam at the convenience store. Do you think he recognized me?"

Jeongwoo hummed, "honestly, I don't think so but if he did maybe we should go to the convenience store and he's looking for you."

Doyoung laughed, "this is real life Jeongwoo, not your little wattpad stories."

Jeongwoo chuckled, "sorry, aight I'll see you later."

"Bye," Doyoung hang up and started editing again.

Little did he know that Jeongwoo was right and there Yedam waited before the show.

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