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Unedited, so I worked all day so this chapter is kinda of rushed n short

If you havent checked out the new sukhoon story "friends" it has started about 3 weeks ago and hajeongwoo is coming to an end.



Yedam walked up the steps to the house before knocking on the door. A boy answered, the one he was looking for. He looked as if he had just woken up, faces puffy and hair in different directions.

"Yedam, " a soft yawn interrupted his sentence, "what are you doing here?"

Yedam smiled softly, images of their hug from last night flooding his brain. The younger just held so much warmth, it was so comforting.

"I wanted to make sure you were okay before practice today," Yedam said softly.

Doyoung looked at his clock on the wall realizing it was nearly noon, "I would have been late, I'm going to get ready. You can wait in the living room, we can go together."

Yedam nodded, wondering if the male had avoided his question or maybe he really did forget the time, so being late plagued his thoughts. Yedam had sat on the couch while Doyoung went to get ready.

He couldn't help but to look around the rom from where he was, it was just like the first time he came over. Everything seemed the same, even the picture of Doyoung and Jeongwoo on the coffee table.

Yedam smiled, Doyoung looked so cute here, so happy.

Doyoung finally ready had walked out with his bag and water bottle, changed into his dance attire. Yedam stood up as soon at he saw him walking towards the door so they could leave.

"Why are you so quiet today," Doyoung asked as the bearded a near by bus.

Yedam just shrugged, "I just don't have anything to say."

Doyoung tilted his head, "I feel a lot better than I did yesterday, I know you asked earlier.

Yedam smiled, "no worries, I'm glad you are feeling better, I'm always here if you need someone."

Doyoung nodded, "okay, did you practice?"

"I did, everything is up here, " Yedam replied pointing at his head.

"Alright, we will see about that when we get there," Doyoung smiled.

But Yedam told the truth, everyone actually had everything down up until Doyoung had stopped his lesson. Doyoung clapped proudly as they finished to show what they had learned a couple times.

"You guys ready for the next part?"

Mashiho clapped, "yes! It's my favorite part of the choreography!"

Doyoung laughed, "we will keep learning choreography then learn the formation."

Doyoung took the time to teach the middle part for the next three hours, letting them run it back whenever they were told to.

He smiled and clapped, "okay lets take a break, 30 minutes."

Doyoung let out a breath as they dispersed, he made his way over to his bag chugging down his water bottle. He wiped his mouth with the back of his hand.

"Hey Doyoung," someone called out catching his attention.

He knew it was Yedam from the voice alone made his heart rate accelerate, "yeah?"

"Mashiho have me tickets to an aquarium but hes to busy to go so I was wondering if you would like to accompany me," Yedam said.

Doyoung blushed a bit, "just us?"

"I mean Haruto and Jeongwoo are going but Haruto told me not to bother them," Yedam said.

Doyoung chuckled, "yeah sure I'll go with you."

Yedam smiled brightly, "okay cool, it's a date."

Doyoungs eyes widened a bit and his face started to heat up, so he drank more water.

Did Yedam just call it a date?

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