
378 30 16

Unedited, short I'm sorry.


The first thing Doyoung does when he gets home, shower so he can study comfortably. Luckily for him they had a test so he no longer had anything to study for, instead he curled up on his bed and laid on his phone.

As he does randomly he looked at his requested messages and see if anyone was worth replying to. Not that no was, when it came to replies on his feed he'd always reply or liked it. Private messages were different they were people that wanted to backstab him or hate on him and other things.

So he picks the most friendly sounding one which seems to be another fanaccount.

Hi (::

Doyoung shrugged as it was the most anticlimactic text but one was better none.

Hello there!

Can I ask you a question?

Sure lol

how did you discover Yedam

Doyoung smiled, no one has ever asked him this before. Normally it was always how do you get him to notice you, which was annoying cause it's not like he tries.

I went to school with him, I just knew he would be famous since then so I made this account and became his first fanaccount

Normally, Doyoung wouldn't tell the truth about this story but I guess he got so excited that he couldn't help himself. Plus he loves to talk about Yedam.

Oh, really that's so cool!

Yeah, he was an absolute sweetheart so don't go after him )::<

I won't, I won't
Why two colons

Cause I wear glasses lol
Four eyes

Doyoung didn't realize that he was giving this account very valuable information. Something in his gut said to trust him.

I have a class in the morning so I should go rest

Oh! Yeah me too! It's my last year, I'm almost done <3

Oh lol I'm in college

Ohoh that's much more difficult, get rest, we can talk tomorrow

Night (:

As Doyoung fell asleep shortly after Yedam was sitting at his desk with a smile. The boys looked at him strangely for smiling at his phone.

"What's wrong with him," Mashiho asked.

"I think its him," Yedam replied smiling at the males.

Yoshi smiled back, "only time will tell."

"We got classes tomorrow Yedam hyung, we should probably head to bed," Haruto said.

"Yeah you are right," Yedam said.

All four or them lived on the college campus, Haruto staying at Yoshi's apartment since he wasn't a student and had online classes. One by one they all got up and stretched from sitting for too long.

Yedam saved all the progresses on the computer before shutting it down. Everyone expect Yedam went to their respective rooms while he just has to turn the corner. His studio was in his room in the closet space.

The male laid down in his bed, letting his thoughts roams.

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