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A date? He called it a date!

Doyoung was obviously stressed bot knowing what to wear for his date to the aquarium. When he remembers that Haruto and Jeongwoo will be there, he felt more at ease, and for what? He was getting ready alone, Jeongwoo hadn't even called the male.

Doyoung sighed, pulling out random clothing hoping it would all be okay. He quickly got ready, putting a small bag together before he left the house. He took the subway the the COEX mall and made his way over to the aquarium seeing Haruto and Jeongwoo.

"Hey guys," Doyoung said quietly.

Jeongwoo turned around, a look of surprise on his face, "Doyoung? I didnt know you were coming."

Doyoung glanced up at Haruto who had an unreadable expression, "Yedam invited me."

Jeongwoo gasped, "omg! Are we having a double date? This is so exciting."

Doyoung laughed a bit, "something like that."

"You look great," a voice from behind them said.

Doyoung felt his face get hot, he didn't even turn around, he just knew. He took a deep breath before he met Yedams eyes.

Oh my...

Yedam looked great, Doyoung was at a loss for words, "thanks?"

Yedam just chuckled at the males reaction, "we can head in now, we don't have to wait in this line."

The boys nodded and followed Yedam to the front taking his tickets to scam at the entry.

Doyoung smiled, the feeling of excitement and possibility get alone time with Yedam. Doyoung noticed Haruto look around, he has been a bit fidgety.

"I want to go see the penguins," Haruo said taking Jeongwoos hand.

Jeongwoo looked down at their hands in shock looking back at Haruto who smiled at him shyly, "we will meet you guys at the exit after we are done."

Doyoung just smiled shooting a wink at Jeongwoo, "see you later."

It was a moment of silence they still havent walked in yet. Doyoung looked over at Yedam to see him lost in thought.

"Hey dammie, are you okay?"

Yedam looked over at Doyoung looking at his hand, "can I hold your hand?"

"You never asked me before," Doyoung chuckled.

"Yeah but its romantic to consider your feelings."

Doyoung smiled softly, "yes Yedam, you can hold my hand."

Doyoung felt as Yedam laced his fingers with his, it was a perfect fit. His hand was so warm, it felt nice. Doyoung felt himself smile a bit wider, seeming Yedam smile happily as well.

"What will we go see first?"

Yedam shrugged, "let's just walkthrough and enjoy it."

Doyoung nodded, "sounds good."

Most of the rooms were dark illuminated with blues that casted on the wall from the lit water or led lights that the aquarium had installed. However it was goregous, Doyoungs mouth was open the whole time just to admire the fish and their habitats.

One thing on his mind was, Yedam looked amazing in blue. He wasnt wearing any but the lighting had sure caught his eye when it reflected on to the male.

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