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"Is he normally this quiet," Haruto whispered motioning to Jeongwoo who was poking at his food.

Doyoung elbowed his friend, "smile, he thinks you hate him."

Jeongwoo jumped and looked at Haruto who was now picking at his food. He looked at his best friend and took a deep breath.


Doyoung smiled slightly watching the taller male look up at them, "yeah?"

"Do you by any chance like Bigbang," Jeongwoo asked, he already knew the answer because who doesn't?

The was Haruto's eyes widened and sparkled making relief wash over Jeongwoo, "are you kidding? I literally love big bang!"

Jeongwoo pointed to himself, "no way me too!"

"You should hear Jeongwoo sing still life," Doyoung said.

Jeongwoo nudged his friend, whining, "hyung!"

Haruto just smiled at Jeongwoo, "I would like to hear sometime."

Jeongwoo just met his eyes and smiled. Doyoung nearly squealed at how cute they were but was taken out of his headspace when he thought he felt his phone buzz.

He didn't.

However his phone was blowing up, he posted a dance cover on his main account along with a selfie. He saw that Yoshi liked and reposted it.

"Put your phone away, the teacher will take it away," Jeongwoo said.

Doyoung put it away, "sorry, Yoshi liked the post I did to their song."

Jeongwoo blinked as if he was being exposed, "you guys know Yoshi hyung?"

Doyoung let out an awkward chuckle, "you couldn't call it that."

"Yoshi follows him!"


"He does? I thought we weren't allowed to do that," Haruto said.

"I mean fan service is important, he's good at interacting with fans," Jeongwoo said.

"Jeongwoo stop talking," Doyoung said through his smile.

Haruto blinked, "wait a second you guys are fans?"

"I can explain," Doyoung said.

"Doyoung has been in love with Yedam for years," Jeongwoo blurted out which got looks from nearby people.


"I had to save myself," Jeongwoo breathed out.

Haruto looked at Doyoung and tilted his head, "you knew Yedam?"

"I mean yeah he used to go here and stuff," Doyoung muttered.

Haruto chuckled, "I don't blame you, he's pretty much perfect."

"You're perfect, you're laugh is perfect. I mean, you know what I need to go use the restroom," Jeongwoo laughed awkwardly and got up to leave the table.

Doyoung pulled him back down, "we crash and burn together."

Haruto messed with his ears, it seemed to be something he did when he was nervous, "you guys seem like great friends."

The two looked at each other appreciating how he changed the subject, "yeah, we've been friends for like five years. Though, he'll leave me for college soon, won't you?"

Doyoung just ruffled the boy's hair, "whatever, you know you'll text me nonstop anyway."

"Yeah," Jeongwoo laughed.

Haruto smiled, he envied their relationship. However, he ignored the fact when the first bell rang.


Soon the day was over and Haruto took the subway home. Well, more so in their dorm. The male walked in and threw his stuff on the couch.

"Hey Ruto how was school," Mashiho asked as he sat on the other side of the couch with Yoshi.

Haruto thought of Jeongwoo and smiled, "um it wasn't that bad."

Yoshi smiled, "did you make any friends?"

Haruto nodded, "Yeah I did, Doyoung and Jeongwoo."

Yoshi sat up a bit, "Doyoung?"

Haruto nodded, "he said something about you following him."

Yoshi nodded, "yeah I follow his Instagram, I honestly don't remember how I got it. I assume I knew him from high school because of Yedam or something."

Haruto blinked, "did Yedam ever have like an admirer of some sort?"

"Yedamsdobby," Mashiho mumbled.

Yoshi clapped, "yeah! The Instagram is called Yedamsdobby, he comes to like every show. He also knew Yedam since high school but I don't remember knowing him personally."

Haruto sat down with them, "where is Yedam?"

"He's in the studi-"

"Hey, guys what's up," Yedam said walking inside and joining them in the living room.

"Oh Yedam, you are back rather early," Mashiho pointed out.

"Yeah I thought I would get some rest, wake me up when dinner is ready," Yedam said.

Yoshi tilted his head watching as Yedam left to his room, "well that was strange."

The other two agreed to wonder about the boy who was now cuddled up on his bed on his phone.

How was your day?

It was okay, pretty embarrassing if you ask for details

How come¿

Ig I'll tell you so my best friend has a crush on this boy so I invited him to sit with us for lunch.
The whole time, I kid you not, we both talked gibberish. He kept exposing me now the new guy knows so much more about me than the average person should.

That sounds terrible but I won't lie. I laughed

How was your day?

Yedam chuckled, how cute.

My day? It was good, I just studied mostly

You should rest!

Yeah I was just thinking that

Rest is important and it'll catch up on you, which could make you sick.

Yeah, I will.

Right after that text, Yedams eyes fluttered shut. Sleep was indeed catching up on him, he should take care of himself better.

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