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Unedited, slowly this story is going to stop making sense but I have two new sukhoon drafts!


Yedam woke up the next day, in the same clothes he was in last night. A groan left his lips as he ruffled his hair and dragged his hands over his face.

He plugged in his phone before getting up and leaving his room. A smell of a familiar soup filled the air  as he saw his other members gather at the table. Quickly going to wash his face and hands before he joined them.

"Good morning Dammie," Mashiho greeted.

Yedam gave a small smile, "didnt I tell you guys to wake me up for dinner?"

"You see we actually tried but you wouldnt budge, you must have been exhausted," Yoshi spoke up placings bowl in front of the male.

Yedam blinked, "really?"

Everyone nodded at him, Haruto got up from the table, "we all tried, thanks for breakfast, I have to get to school."

"Tell Doyoung I said hi," Yoshi said.

Yedams ears rang at that name, the name was so familiar but he couldn't put his finger on it. Mashiho noticed the twisted face Yedam possessed.

"You look like you are thinking extremely hard," Mashiho chuckled.

"I know that name, but I can't remember from where," Yedam said.

"What name," yoshi chimed in finally joining them at the table.

Yedam took a bite of his food enjoying the feeling of the soup warming up the inside of his body, "Doyoung, hes around Haruto's age, how do you know him?"

"Oh I follow him on Instagram, I assumed I knew him from you in high school. I've been following him for a while," Yoshi said.

"Can you show me?"

"Um sure, he doesn't post pictures though he just dances and from a distance but I don't really think I know what he looks like," Yoshi said pulling out his phone.

"Play that one video he did to our song," Mashiho said with a bright smile.

Yoshi pulled up the video and handed it to Yedam, the boy was a genius. The way his body moved and played with the rhythm.

"Wow he's amazing," Yedam said.

"I know we are a band but what if we learned the dance and performed it," Mashiho said.

Yoshi nodded, "that would be so cool. Should we ask Haruto if he would be up for it?"

"How about you Yedam? What do you think?"

Yedam blinked, "is there away to ask him to come teach it to us?"

"You want Doyoung to come teach it," Mashiho stated, making sure he wasn't hearing things.

Yedam waved his hands, "no I sound crazy, he has to be busy. I'm actually going to head to class."

Yedam got up rushing himself to get ready, though it was college and to be honest he didnt put that much effort into what he looked like. Yeah, he's naturally perfect.

"You didn't even finish your breakfast," Yoshi called out not wanting the male to starve.

"We have rehearsal tonight," Mashiho yelled.

Yedam waved before running out the door, he has his bag on his back and phone clutched in his hand. He took his headphones from around his neck and put them on, playing some music.

His phone was on 44% not nearly enough but he can charge it in between classes while he ate. He took a deep breath and continued to walk to the bus stop.

He chewed on his thumb thinking about what to text as he had his twitter messages pulled up. The urge to just type 'lol sorry I crashed' like dobby was a long-time friend was strong but he wanted to seem interested.

Good Morning (:
How'd you sleep?

Oh he read it, good.

Yedam caught sight of the bus stuffing his phone in his pocket in the meantime. He pulled his hoodie over his head and waited for the bus to stop. He scanned his transit card and took his seat in the middle of the bus by the other door. He then pulled his phone back out seeing that he got a new message.

Morning, I slept well. hbu?

Yedam smiled at the boy's message, the boy seemed relaxed.

You got any plans today?
I mean other than school

Not really, Yedam has a rehearsal tonight but,,, I just don't feel like going, he wouldn't be mad at me right?

Yedam frowned is that actually how fans think when they can't make it to an event. Why would he be upset when their wellbeing was much more important to him.

No, I'm sure he wouldn't be upset, he would definitely want you to take care of yourself more than anything <3

Ugh, why am I making myself go through this? Yedam's brain was in havoc after sending the heart emoji, he stuffed his phone back in his pocket and pressed the button that let the driver know that this was his stop. With that Yedam got off the bus and made his way to class, one of the two he had that day.

When he made it to his class he took his seat, letting out a sigh. Since the class was about to start he fumbled for his phone to see if dobby had texted back.

I really needed that reassurance
Thank you <3

Yedam smiled at the message and decided to reply when his class was over. The day went by slowly, even rehearsals seemed easier that day maybe it's because he knows he sent dobby to take care of himself. Yedam decided to do the same and instead of going to his little studio after rehearsals he went home with the guys so he could catch up on rest.

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