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unedited, and just like that this story is the last thing I'll have to hold on to them by... I also will not tolerate Doyoung slander he is hurting just as much as we are,,,


"So are you applying?"

Doyoung looked up at Jeongwoo who probably asked him for the fiftieth time. Even though the cafeteria was loud he could still hear him.

A tall slender body walked by tapping Jeongwoos shoulder only to sit on the other side of him, the action made Doyoung laugh a bit.

"Jesus Haruto you scared me," Jeongwoo jumped looking over both shoulders.

Haruto just cracked a smile, "so what are you guys talking about?"

"I'm trying to convince Doyoung to sign up for the contest," Jeongwoo said which made Doyoung roll his eyes.

"What you don't want to," Haruto asked finding it strange.

"It's not that," Doyoung said.

"If its about finding out who you are wear your contacts,  Jeongwoo said.

Haruto shrugged, "why hide?  I thought you liked him."

Doyoung slightly glared at Jeongwoo for his habit of rambling when in the presence of Haruto without Doyoungs supervision.

Doyoung huffed, "I have for such a long time but I really dont think I made that much of a difference in his life."

Jeongwoo groaned, "He wrote a song about you!"

Doyoung looked at Jeongwoo then at Haruto, "he keeps a picture of you in his wallet."

Doyoungs eyes widened, "he what?"

"He carries a picture of a boy you kinda of looks like you, round frames and obviously a bit younger. In school uniform too," Haruto says.

Jeongwoo pulled out his phone,"this picture?"


Doyoung looked at the photo it was from his freshman year, a photo he was actually he was supposed to turn in for his ID picture but had lost.

"How does he have this picture," Doyoung asked.

Haruto shrugged, "beats me."

The bell had rung which would make the students get up to get to their classrooms. Haruto threw an arm around Jeongwoos shoulder making him freeze.

Doyoung cracked a smile at the smaller boys flushed face, "see you after woo."

Jeongwoo blinked, "yeah, see you."

Doyoung laughed watched as Haruto had lead Jeongwoo down to their class hall. Doyoungs mind went blank until he was accidentally ran into which made him rush to his class.

Just the potential thought of Yedam liking him back was infiltrating his mind.

That's just how the rest of his day was, he was left on auto pilot. As if he was in that stunned state all day, he started to walk home after school.

"Doyoung wait up!"

Just like that Doyoung runs into something or should I say someone else, "I'm so sorry are you okay?"

Doyoung looked up, "y-yedam."

Doyoung burned up noticing the males hand on his lower hip so he wouldn't fall. Doyoung pushed him self away slightly embarrassed.

"Doyoung? I didn't know you wear glass."

Really this is how Yedam finds out, how lame. The chase was over for Doyoung and it wasnt as exciting as it was in movies.


"Why didn't you tell me you were the one I was looking for?"

Doyoung frowned, "I was scared, I was always by your side but sometimes I didn't even think you noticed."

"You are literally the reason, I'm here," Yedam said.

Doyoung blinked, "really?"

Yedam nodded, "I want you to take care of yourself but also want to repay you some how."

Doyoung shook his head, "you don't need to."

"I want to."

Doyoung is keeping all his will power to not start rambling, "don't."

Jeongwoo walks up finally with Haruto by his side, "you ready to head home Dobby?"

Doyoung nodded, "come on."

Yedam grabbed his wrist, "why do you keep hiding things from me?"

Doyoung tilted his head, "what are you talking about?"

Yedam just let go, "nevermind, get home safe."

Haruto watched as Yedam let go of the male, "you are so dumb."

Yedam looks back at Doyoung who was now farther away, "I screwed up."

"But its him, right?"

Yedam smiled, "yeah, its definitely him."

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