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Unedited, kinda short chapter. I tried but this will be the last chapter. I was planning on it to be longer but, I just can't write this anymore. I hope you guys understand, I'm sorry.

However, I still love you and want to thank you for the support <3


Competition day.

Yedam being nervous was of course an understatement, how could he not be nervous? He felt like he was in a life-or-death situation! Yes, he knew it wasn't actually that serious.

He couldn't help but get into his own head now that he was backstage with other acts that were equally as talented as they were.

"Hyung are you okay," Haruto asked.

Yedam shook his head, "I think I'm going to be sick."

Mashiho glanced over at them worried, "I'll get you some water."

Haruto took his time to pat Yedams back with Yoshi, "too nervous?"

Yedam just nodded feeling his stomach turn, he got up in a panic, rushing to the restroom to empty his anxiety into the toilet. Haruto was close behind his patting the male's back while Yoshi had grabbed Yedam's bag which he always kept a spare toothbrush. Mashiho later back in with two water bottles.

"From Doyoung," Mashiho said handing Yedam the water bottle.

Yedam took the bottle of water falling it so he could swish the water in his mouth and spit it out. Mashiho handed the water bottle to Haruto, possibly from Jeongwoo.

"Did you meet him outside," Yoshi asked.

Mashiho nodded, "he was out there with Jeongwoo when I went to go get water but they had stopped me and gave me some. Yedam if you have time made you should go talk to him."

Yedam shook his head, "No, I want to see him after we win."

"Well then get up, I know you are nervous but we need to stretch and run through the dance for good measure," Yoshi spoke up.

Yedam looked back at the male, Yoshi who was soft-spoken was the one knocking sense into him, "You're right."

They watch as Yedam got up and flushed the toilet, he went over to brush his teeth making sure he was ready. He didn't really know where this surge of confidence came from but he was going to hold on to it as tight as he could so it wouldn't slip away.

Together in the hall, they started stretching, the event had started and the other was two acts before them. Lucky of them to go as soon as possible so they could get it over with. When they went off stage Yedam felt like he blacked out, he couldn't see the crowd but the claps encouraged him to do his very best. Encouraged him to do what he did best, perform.

When they got off stage multiple of the other performers praised them, boosting the ego of the member. Great sportsmanship.

"Yedam, you hit the high note perfectly, I got chills," Yoshi said rubbing his arms.

Yedam laughed, "You guys all did great. Mashiho lead the choreography, and Yoshi and Haruto's rap was very well done! It sounded great!"

Haruto looked at Yoshi and smiled, "Yoshi helped me a lot while writing the lyrics."

Yoshi smiled at him and patted his back, "Now we just wait for the results."

As hours had past getting through all of the acts of that night. Everyone stood up on stage to take one last final bow before they announced the winners. Yedam grabbed Mashiho and Yoshi's hand hoping they would be the winners of tonight.

"Time for us to announce the top three, in third place we have Yujin and her dog Choco!"

A young girl went up and took her bow with the dog in her arms taking a small trophy from the host.

"Thank you I had fun," the girl called out, her parents cheering loudly in the crowd.

 "Now I'll be announcing First and Second our rockstars Yedam, Yoshi, Mashiho, and Haruto who performed original pieces and curated choreography versus our vocalists Junkyu, Junghwan, Asahi, and Jaehyuk who also performed an original ballad. The two teams were very close in votes, first only beating out second with ten audience votes! Would you like to know who is in the first place?"

The audience cheered and Yedam felt himself get a bit light-headed.

"Drum roll please!"

The audience stomped their feet like roaring thunder waiting in anticipation for the win to be announced.

"First place is..."

Yedam's heart was beating out of his chest as he felt Mashiho and Yoshi squeeze his hands.

"The vocalists Junkyu, Junghwan, Jaehyuk, and Asahi!"

Yedam froze, "we lost."

Mashiho looked at Yedam, he looked shocked, "second place."

"At least we made it to the top three," Yoshi smiled.

"We did it for the experience," Haruto smiled softly.

Yedam felt like his world was crashing down even while they were handed their trophy and took photos, he was almost not present for any of them. Mashiho helped him gather their things so they could leave after everything was over. Yedam peered down at the trophy in his hands, he wasn't ready to see Doyoung.

"Come on Hyung we have to leave," Haruto said tapping his shoulder.

Yedam snapped back into reality taking his bag from Mashiho with a small thank you as they all walked out together to meet up with Doyoung and Jeongwoo. Jeongwoo squealed and ran over jumping into Harutos arms, "You guys did amazing!"

Yedam peered up locking eyes with Doyoung, "I'm sorry."

Doyoung tilted his head, "for what?"

"For losing."

Doyoung chuckled, "You didn't lose, you got second place. That's still pretty amazing."

Yedam looked down at the trophy when Doyoung took it out of his hands, "yeah but, you wanted us to win."

"You guys are all winners in my world," Doyoung said.

Yedam frowned, "you're just trying to make me feel better."

Doyoung smiled, "is it working?"


Doyoung tilted his head up, "Come on smile for me, it's not the end of the world. Look at the rest of your team, they look so much livelier."

Yedam looked over while the three talked to Jeongwoo with huge grins, "But I let them down."

"No Yedam, you didn't. Look at their smiles, this is what winning looks like," Doyoung stated, Yedam took a second and looked at their smiles, and soon he found himself smiling also, "other is that smile, I love."

Yedam laughed, "Okay you got me."


Yedam looked at Doyoung, "Yeah, what is it?"

Soon a kiss was placed on his lips, Yedam's eyes widened at the sudden contact, "your reward."

"For what?"

"Being my boyfriend."

Yedam smiled and kissed Doyoung back, "does a kiss come with every performance?"

Doyoung thought about it, "Yeah, I think it's in the rockstar special."

Yedam chuckled, resting his head on Doyoungs forehead, "You're ridiculous."

Doyoung laughed, "I love you too rockstar."


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