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"Hey Doyoung," Jeongwoo sang walking into his room as Doyoung was doing some homework.

Doyoung looked over his shoulder, "what do you want?"

"Oh nothing," Jeongwoo hummed.

Doyoung finally turned around in his chair, "you are up to something."

Jeongwoo rolled his eyes, "I'm not."

Doyoung furrowed his eyebrows, "okay."

A sudden chime of his phone got his attention in which he caught Jeongwoo smiling a little harder from the corner of his eye when he turned to check his phone.



"Jeongwoo," Doyoung raised his voice, "what did you do?"

Jeongwoo frowned, "what? I thought it would be nice for you!"


Jeongwoo's eyes widened before he bolted out of Doyoungs room, the male soon chasing him. Doyoung ran around the house chasing Jeongwoo through the living room into the kitchen.

"Why are we running in the house," Doyoung's mom's voice chimed.

Doyoung whined like a little kid, "he entered me in a contest!"

Doyoung's mom looked at Jeongwoo with a sweet smile, "what kind of contest?"

"A dance contest," Jeongwoo chirped.

"He didn't even ask me!"

"You said you would think about it and were too late!"

"What place is he in," His mom asked.

"He made it to the finals but, I think he will win," Jeongwoo says.

"I love the confidence you have in my son, Doyoung you should take risks in life. Do you know what the prize is," the sweet lady had asked.

Doyoung nodded not really planning on telling his mom.

"It's for the group Doyoung likes, if he wins he gets to teach them the choreography he made so they can perform it," a deeper voice had said entering the kitchen.

"And who are you dear," Doyoung's mom asked.

"You brought Haruto," Doyoung hissed, which Jeongwoo just smiled too.

Haruto bowed, "Hello, I am Haruto. I am Doyoung and Jeongwoo's new friend, I just came from Japan recently."

Doyoung's mom smiled, "nice to meet you."

Doyoung just let out a huff, "mom."

Doyoung mom turned back to him, taking her eyes off of Haruto, "see you are even making new friends, Doyoung this is good for you. If you win you get to hang out with people you admire and if you don't at least you can say you tried."

She was right, even if Doyoung didn't want to admit it.

"See even your mom is rooting for you," Jeongwoo got a smug smile and bumped his shoulder playfully.

"I hate you," Doyoung mumbled.

"You don't, you love me," Jeongwoo sang.

Doyoung rolled his eyes, "sadly."

"Oh come on," Jeongwoo sighed.

"Anyway why are you guys here, bothering me on the one day I have freedom," Doyoung said.

"You had freedom yesterday," Jeongwoo whined.

"Yeah, so you dragged me out of my house so you could go see Haru-"

"Shut up," Jeongwoo pinched the boy's arm, gritting through his teeth.

"Ow! You freaking bully," Doyoungfrowned pulling his arm away from Jeongwoo.

Haruto chuckled, "my fault I just wanted to hang out with Jeongwoo."

Doyoung looked at the both of them, "so you come here?"

"Come on! What's wrong with us wanting to hang out with our best friend," Jeongwoo sang.

Doyoung sighed, "seriously what do you guys want?"

"Come watch a movie with us," Haruto says.

"I really am not in the mood guys, go without me," Doyoung said.

Haruto nodded and takes Jeongwoo by the wrist. Jeongwoo gave Doyoung wide eyes with a slight panic, he was about to go watch a movie with his crush. Doyoung just smiled and went back to his room plopping onto his bed.

Doyoung pulled his phone back out and checked to see if he had a couple of messages.


how dare you!

throw me under the bus

is this a date?

no, is it?

ugh I hate you

Doyoung sighed and just sent an upside-down smiley face before going to the next message he had gotten.


I hope you are having a good day, I was supposed to go to a movie but the person I wanted to see didn't want to go so I decided to say home

I was invited to see a movie but I haven't felt like doing anything recently


Maybe you should rest, you are probably overworking yourself

You might be right, I have been so focused on homework. I might just be overwhelmed


Go rest
I'll be here when you wake up

Thank you

Doyoung sighed, he has been doing that a lot recently. Especially today. He put his phone under his pillow and closed his eyes, he was so exhausted. A bit after that he had fallen asleep just as his friend had suggested. Doyoung really needed to start putting himself first.

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