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"Doyoung! Doyoung Hyung wake up!"

Doyoung was shaken awake groggily trying to adjust to his younger friend's burst of energy so early in the morning.

"What," Doyoung whined.

"Wake up!"

"I am awake!"

Jeongwoo pulled Doyoung up to sit up on the bed, "I have news~"

Doyoung nodded rubbing his face and eyes then put his glasses on, "okay, I'm awake."

Jeongwoo shoved his phone in Doyoung's face, "are you seeing this? It's a competition for making a choreography to their songs!"

Doyoung blinked, "no way."

"The winner gets chosen to teach the choreography to them so they can perform it, " Jeongwoo screamed.

Doyoung bounced a little on the bed, "that's actually so cool."

"So you should submit yours!"

Doyoung blinked, "wait, what?"

Jeongwoo tilted his head noticing his friend wasn't very happy, "what's wrong?"

Doyoung shook his head, "so many more fans deserve it more than I do."

Jeongwoo sighed but smiled, "Doyoung it's a fair competition they will only pick who they think is best."

"I don't want to make a new choreography," Doyoung said.

"Then don't, just send in the one you did for your project, the one you posted on your Instagram," Jeongwoo said.

"What if I don't?"

"Then I'll sign you up myself because I am a hundred percent confident in my best friend," Jeongwoo cheered.

Doyoung just smiled, "alright woo, did you want to go out today? Is that why you broke into my room."

"One, your mom let me in, and Two, the weather is becoming nice so I want to go out or something," Jeongwoo whined.

Doyoung chuckled, "okay let me get ready."

Jeongwoo nodded excitedly before leaving the other male's room so he could get dressed. Doyoung just wet his hair a little bit to fix it before putting on some interesting clothing choices.

He grabbed his things and brushed his teeth before leaving his room to meet with Jeongwoo in the living room.

"It's about time," Jeongwoo groaned.

Doyoung rolled his eyes, "I didn't even take that long."

Jeongwoo giggled before getting up and dragging Doyoung to the door. The two put on their shoes before Jeongwoo lead him out of the door.

"Jeongwoo! Slow down where are we going," Doyoung yelled.

Jeongwoo didn't even reply he lead Doyoung to the convenience store. Doyoung looked up when they had stopped tilting his head.

"Why are we here?"

Jeongwoo smiled, "Haruto."

Doyoung looked passed the posters by the counter, seeing a tall dark hair male in a blue worker's coat.

Doyoung just smiled and patted his younger friend's shoulder, "let me guess, you wanted to go this morning but you saw him get scared and run out. So you decided to come to get me to make you feel at ease."

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