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unedited, I tried


Jeongwoo squealed with Doyoung hugging him, the strength making the two teens stumble over on to Doyoungs bed.

"I cant believe he kissed you," Jeongwoo yelled.

Doyoung just chuckled, "shut up, you got kissed too!"

"Yeah but not like you did," Jeongwoo giggled.

"I'll kiss you right now," Doyoung as a joke making kissy faces at Jeongwoo who was now trying to push him away.


Doyoung just laughed letting go of the male so he would fall on the floor, "payback!"

"For what," Jeongwoo whined.

"For not telling me what was going on between you and Haruto, he obviously likes you back just ask him out," Doyoungs rolled his eyes peering over to look at Jeongwoo who now sprawled out comfortably on the ground.

"Says you, Yedam literally told you he liked you back, why don't you just ask him out?"

Doyoung laughed, "I've been following this boy around my whole life, its about time he did a little chasing."

Jeongwoo looked over seeing a small smirk on Doyoungs face, sitting up intrigued by his expression, "what are you up to Dobby?"

Doyoung just shrugged playfully, "oh I don't know, you'll just have to wait and see."

Jeongwoo glared at the older male, "hmm you little sneak."

"Anyway back to you and Ruto."

Jeongwoo rolled his eyes with a sigh, "I literally made it so difficult for him to approach me at the aquarium and to be fair maybe I should be the one to ask him."

Doyoungs eyes widened, "did I hear that right?"

"I dont want anything crazy Dobby! It's going to be casual and in the moment okay? So dont meddle in my business," Jeongwoo huffed.

Doyoung sighed, "okay fine whatever as if I wasnt the one that made you guys friends in the first place and practically forced you two together. You also would have never discovered him if it wasnt for me loving to go see Yedam play at his gigs."

"Okay! Doyoung I get it," Jeongwoo cut him off sighing dramatically before laughing a bit. "Seriously though, I want to do this myself this time."

Doyoung smiled and reached out to ruffle the younger males hair, "you are growing up so fast!"


Yedam was stretching and warming up by himself waiting for the rest of the guys to come in. The first person to come in caught his eye, it made him stop what he was doing.

"Doyoung hey."

Doyoung looked up noticing Yedam was the only person there, "oh hey, where is everyone?"

Yedam looked at his phone, "late i guess, I know Yoshi and Mashi are taking the subway here. Ruto, I'm not sure where he is."

"Ruto I think I saw go in the bathroom when I got here," Doyoung said putting his stuff down.

Yedam sauntered over, "so?"

Doyoung looked at the boy who was now right in front of him, "so?"

"What are we?"

Doyoung tilted his head, "friends, why?"

Yedam nodded, "oh, I just thought-"

Doyoung giggled a bit, "I don't remember you asking."

Yedam smiled, "will you be my boyfriend?"

Doyoung pretended to think about it, "hmm, no."

"No? What do you mean no?"

Doyoung shrugged, "I dont know."

Yedam frowned, "but we like each other."

Doyoung nodded, "yeah?"

"So why won't you date me?"

"I'll make you deal, how about that?"

Yedam tilted his head, "what do you mean?"

Doyoung opened his bag rummaging through it, Yedam looked over his shoulder to try to see what he was doing. Doyoung pulled out a folded piece of paper making Yedam back up a bit.

"What is that?"

Doyoung opened up the paper and showed Yedam, "win this."

Yedam blinked, "a local talent show, all ages, this Friday at 7pm last sign up monday at 11pm. I don't know Doyoung, I would have to talk to the guys about this. I don't even know what we would perform."

"This. My choreography and your song, live," Doyoung said excitedly.

Yedam tilted his head, "I don't know, I still have to ask the guys."

"They all told me to ask you, that it was up to you," Doyoung said.

Yedam nodded he took the paper into his hands, "so, I have to win this in order to date you?"

Doyoung nodded, "it would prove to me that you are willing to go out of your way for me."

Yedam nodded, "okay, i can do it."

Doyoung cheered excitedly, "yes!"

The other males finally walked in noticing Doyoung jumping around in excitement. Yedam looked over noticing the boys just watching Doyoung.

"What is he so excited about," Yoshi asked.

Yedam lifted the paper showing them, "we are going to be joining the talent show."

Yoshi squealed pulling the two males by his side into a hug, "yes, I've been want to perform for more people!"

"But we have to do this song with the choreography," Yedam cut in.

Yoshi froze, Mashiho noticing with a small laugh, "we can do it, we have a good teacher."

Yedam watched as Mashiho smiled at Doyoung, "yeah, yeah, okay let's get to work."

Maybe, we will be better by then. If Doyoung believed in me for this long, I can't let him down now.

To win Doyoungs heart!

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