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I woke up around 8:15 to a text of my dad "me and you mothers picked up your car from back home cause it was shipped in last night looks in good shape" that excited me but as I scrolled through all my messages I noticed my nana an pa hadn't answered my message from a couple of days ago which left me curious.

I quickly made my bed and went and ate breakfast with my grandpa as my grandmother was at work already I give him a hug and said I'll be down again soon.

I left the door and walked the quickest way to figure eight from the cut as I could.

Outside my drive was my black matte car "looks better then before" I said quietly to no one. I had a plan for later so I went in and said hi to my mam and dad. My dad gave me the keys and then went to my room.

I picked out a royal blue tube top and white soft shorts I put on my shoes white converses and a white cap with my hair down.

I slipped my phone into my pocket and ran down the stairs in excitement of going for a drive in my car which I haven't seen since I've been in outer banks.

Once I got in my car I decided where to go so I took a trip to see my other grandparents who lived in chapel hill so I did I drove my car down to the pier and parked it I made sure it was locked.

I walked over and checked the signs looking for chapel hill I found it and went up to the man "ticket for one please" I said he just grunted and give me my change. I got on and found a seat next to the window.

I got flashbacks of what I was doing as if it was like before when I would go with my mother and brother, but this time I was by myself without my mother knowing.

When I arrived I got out of the boat i began to walk but as I was about to turn the corner of a street i heard someone call my name which made me turn it was Sarah and John b she ran up to me and give me a hug they was both sweating which confused me "what are you pair doing here?" I asked "u-h I don't really know honestly" she said and looked at John b "what are you doing here" John b asked "just a lil trip to see people" I said smiling "anyone special?" John b said raising an eyebrow.

I knew John b was thinking that I was here to meet a boy "shut up" I laughed as I walked past them I nudged his arm I turned walking back "you guys have a good time"  I said smiling Sarah waved goodbye  while John b smiled looking proud of me.

After a few minutes of skipping through chapel hill after my conversations with John b and Sarah I headed my way to my grandparents.Once I got there I walked up the steps and knocked on the door.

My pa answered the door I gave him a hug before he could say anything "Paige" He said in a excited tone "hey pa it's good to see you again" I said we let go "oh come on in kiddo" he said i walked in the house hadn't changed from what it used to look like years ago.

We sat down in the living room opposite each other "want anything like a drink, food?" My grandpa asked "no I'm okay pa" I replied we had a conversation then for around 30 minutes.

I looked around the house it was still and quiet I knew my nana hadn't come in I thought she would've come downstairs by know "where is she?" I asked "where's who kiddo" he replied "nana is she home?"

He looked down at the rug "they haven't told you have they" he said sadly "t-told me what, is she okay?is she safe what haven't they told me pa" I asked him panicky "she's.. passed away Paige" he said his eyes watery "your lyiny.. when.. how" I said eyes now watering "December, illness w-we couldn't save her" he said voice breaking.

"This can't be real... i don't believe you" I said as I placed my elbows on my knees and hands on my head "wh-y wouldn't they tell me" I said my pa couldn't think of why my parents didn't tell me so he just stayed quiet.

𝙤𝙪𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙗𝙖𝙣𝙠𝙨 - 𝙢𝙞𝙨𝙨𝙞𝙣𝙜Where stories live. Discover now