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The slitherwing is from the mystery class. Giant winged snakes with venomous scales and fangs, Slitherwings are truly the stuff of nightmares!
As if one Slitherwing wasn't deadly enough, the poisonous dragons tend to hunt in packs. Like regular snakes, a Slitherwing's bright coloration indicates its venom level. The more colorful the Slitherwing, the deadlier the attack. These oversized serpents slither at top speeds, sedate prey with the toxins in their bites, and drag them back to their pit for dinner. Equally aggressive against Vikings and dragons, Slitherwings fear only one thing: Fire. Slitherwings are highly toxic and aggressive Dragons. While their toxicity is natural, their antagonistic attitude may have resulted from overhunting of the species.
What they lack in firepower they make up for in thick skin. Be wary when battling with a Slitherwing, their poisonous scales can accidentally injure allies!

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