Piercing shriekscale

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Shriekscale are loud and social unknown class dragons, hatchlings are bipedal with bright blue scales, light cream underbellies, and fleshy spikes sticking out of their head. These skin flaps are red, along with the outside edge of their wing membranes. Piercing Shriekscales emit a high-pitch sonic scream that can cause an earsplitting headache to those within hearing range. Adult Shriekscales use their sonic scream to ward off predators, but babies just use it to let their parents know that they are hungry. Their shrieks can shatter glass and temporarily neutralize the hypnotic effects of a Songwing.

Not much is know about how strong an Adult Shriekscale is but as babies they can easily push a pumpkin as big as they are shown by the Baby Shriekscales.

As shown by Marena, when a certain clapping dance is performed in front of baby Shriekscales, it can put the dragons to sleep. Leyla has tried numerous times to do this but it failed.
Behavior and Personality

Leyla says that baby Shriekscales will only eat the bark of the Crimson Pine tree. They also like Speckled Spice Peppers, according to Grumblegard. They are very sociable dragons and get along well with others including other dragons and humans.

When one spend times with a shriekscale and exerts a little authority they won't screech as much as the babies listened to Grumblegard's command to be quiet and went silent very quickly.

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