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Deathgrippers are part of the strike class and are venomous, violent, and vile dragons. Perhaps a real Berkian trainer can bring out their softer side... but for now: avoid at all costs. The monstrous Deathgripper can hack, slash, and bludgeon a foe with lethal force. They should be avoided at all costs... unless they are on your side. Deathgrippers are a one-of-a-kind dragon, born with venomous pincer tails which are eerily to those of a venomous scorpion. These dragons love spending time up in the air, helping Vikings reinforce dragon riding skills as they go. Deathgrippers are medium-sized dragons with long, sharp tusks protruding out from their lower jaws and a row of armored plates lining their backs. They have large yellow eyes and their coloration is mainly red with black stripes. These stripes occasionally merge into spots, similar to those of a Monstrous Nightmare. The tails of Deathgrippers are telescopic, just like those of a Razorwhip, and are tipped with a venomous scorpion-like stinger. They are, however, not prehensile.

In place of front legs, Deathgrippers possess jagged, razor-sharp pincers similar to that of a mantis. The dragon's back legs are shorter and thinner with two claws on each of them. Deathgrippers are extremely difficult to train, but a person can train one by imprinting on it as a hatchling immediately after it emerges from the egg. However, as shown in School of Dragons, adult Deathgrippers can be trained as well. If a person saves a Deathgripper's life, the dragon will be grateful towards its savior, and even allow itself to be ridden. The description of Dreadgripper proves that a Deathgripper can be trained as Dreadgripper was been trained by an unknown person on Berk. However it is unknown how the unknown person was able to train Dreadgripper.

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