Alpha shellfire

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An enormous deep sea dweller with crustacean attributes, the alpha Shellfire glides through the ocean at incredible speeds and tows the Dragon Hunter battleship bolted to its back.
Reminiscent of a much larger — much angrier — horseshoe crab, the Shellfire shrugs off attacks with its durable carapace and delivers devastation with its protruding prong horns. In the past, unwitting sailors used to mistake its sizable shell for a landmass and scuttle their ships on it. That was the last time anyone ever heard from those sailors, but rumors of their demise likely gave Viggo Grimborn the idea to fasten a metal, dragon hunting warship to the Shellfire's back.
The alpha Shellfire is a gigantic Titan Wing deep-sea dragon with a flat hard back shell for protection.
The Shellfire can launch huge flaming boulders that explode like giant cannonballs.
Not much is known about it; Vikings of the distant past would mistake the massive shell for landmasses and wreck their ships on it. Like all alpha class dragons the alpha Shellfire stays as a leviathan and rules over the dragons that live with it these are called grim dragons and they're so loyal to it that they will go as far to protect it despite that the alpha Shellfire hardly ever needs it.

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