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Chaperangs are a large mystery class dragons. They are a brutal appearance with teal and yellow. Their wingspan are huge. They say they're the protectors of the sky. They guard traveling flocks of dragons. Chaperangs can easily lift up their bodies while using their wings and their paws, even while carrying objects and humans, they can even restrain a dragons by folding their wings and block a pack of wolves. They can fly and run pretty fast. Despite their bulky body, Chaperangs can keep up with dragons like Relentless Razorwings while making shap turns and avoiding trees. They can even run fast on the ground using all 4 legs. They can use their wings to fold a small dragons and if they are running in front of a danger a shield of both wings to cover them from attacks. As with any dragon if you save their life they will stay until their debt is repaid. This dragons are dutifull and very serious about this task.

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