Tryple strike

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This giant Strike Class Dragon's three tails can slash through its enemies or snake around its prey. When confronted by one, the best thing to do is turn tail and run! Beware of this Dragon, Vikings! Once it has you in its sights, it's nearly impossible to it shake off your tail. The Triple Stryke is a stockily built, arachnid-like, bipedal and seemingly digitigrade dragon with armored plates on its back that resembles an armadillo's and two legs. It has two large ear-like appendages on its head and a pointed nose. The most notable feature is its thick, braided tail that can unwind and split into three thinner ones. Each tail is made up of many round segments and is equipped with a scorpion-like stinger, though some individuals, such as Syringaca, have egg-shaped structures on their tail tips instead. Their forelimbs act as pincers, which also resemble that of a scorpion. A Triple Stryke's braided tail is a force to be reckoned with, but each tail produces a unique venom: A sting from the first tail numbs combatants, the second disorients them with mild hallucinogens, and the third creates an agonizing of burning in your very blood.

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