Alpha shadow

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This large, sturdy, unknown class Dragon acts as a protector for its smaller cousins. Watch out for bombardment when they form a pack under its wings!
Its booming roar not only disorients victims, but also serves as a call to its kin. Small Shadows flock under its great wings, firing explosive lava in unison. The Alpha Shadow is a large green dragon with wide jaws, stocky body, and large wings akin to that of a bomber plane. Its legs are also quite stocky, and it has spaced-out triangular spines that run along its back. The Alpha Shadow's head also slightly resembles a mix between a whale's and a snapping turtle's. Alpha shadows can also work alone or together with the small shadows, the difference between large shadow wings and alpha shadows is that the latter is a little smaller and easier to ride and get a saddle on it's back with it being just a little smaller than a regular crimson gorecutter.

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