Chapter 32

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Cana Pov

Time felt like it was frozen when I said these words to him. I couldn't hear anything. Everything was silent. No water flowing, not a single bird singing its lovely tune. Just me and him staring into each others eyes while our hands had a hold of us. He leaned down slowly to me and I did as well. I couldn't fight it even if I tried. We were pulled together like a magnet. His stiff and rough lips moved with mine in sync before he pulled away slowly leaving me to look at him with half lidded eyes. "Cana I. . ." He tried to speak out but I shushed him with my finger placing it on his lips.  

"That's what I would think someone would say here at this place." I stated and let go of him slowly. I could see in his eyes the immediate change. He thought I had confessed my love to him but I just gave this as an explanation to him. It stung a bit in my heart that I couldn't admit it openly but I hoped it was enough for him to realize it, my true feelings.

I averted his eyes from me. Did I hurt him somehow? I tried to reach out for him but he made a step back rasping lightly. "Geez and I thought Y/n was gonna pull something like that." Bill stated and crossed her arms. "Huh what do you mean?" I asked turning to her and she huffed. "Nothing important, I thought if one of you would do this he was gonna be the one." She replied and flew towards the stone in the middle. I jumped over the small stream of water joining at her side. 

The writing on the stone looked ancient but it had our letters on it. I looked up the first of the laws. "Nothing is more important then the family and to create thy own one to live a life in dignity with love and support." 

"The government has no right to say what you can and cannot do, its only purpose is to ensure the safety and well being of its citizens."

"The kingdom of Dragnof does not rule over its people or cuts them out of being heard. Every citizen no mater the age or wealth be it poor or rich has the right to have an audience with the ruling family to be listened to." 

"In times of war every family will be required to enlist one of their sons to the military to defend the kingdom and one of their daughters to the monastery to be taught the role of medical assistant and care taker for the wounded until they can safely come back to the kingdom." 

"Every citizen has the right for medical treatment of the same level as the royal family." 

"No law shall be made that puts one side on a disadvantage  when confronted with it and no law shall cause unequal treatment for anyone."

"Our kingdom can only have prosperity if the family is the most valued of all, protecting thy family and children from outside harm is for both mother and father the highest importance."

"Both motherhood and fatherhood shall be praised and cherished by celebrating it yearly for both."

"To be chaste until marriage is a rule for all, those who break it are to be shamed and exiled."

"Teaching children the proper values of morality, dignity and respect builds a strong mind and nation together with the taught roles of each individual to perfectly align and work in a society which builds on religious values and the law of god."

"Children are to be protected at all costs from any ill corrupting their mind. A child does not know good from evil or dignity from degradation. Any adult person who tries to teach harmful ideologies to children shall be dealt swiftly by the people to a just sentence to protect the innocent mind of harms way."  

"Education in Dragnof shall only be done by the church and no other institute shall take its place especially none without moral guidance."

"Everyone who's an enemy to the kingdom of Dragnof and its people will await the worst punishment known to humankind. Death on the pyre." 

The dragonslayer and his card mage. Cana Alberona x male reader.Where stories live. Discover now