𝟝| 𝔹𝕝𝕠𝕠𝕕 𝕗𝕠𝕣 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝔹𝕝𝕠𝕠𝕕 𝔾𝕠𝕕| 𝟝

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A/n: I wanted to give Techno a Pov too! Definitely not any happier than the last chapter though

Tw: Intrusive thoughts, invasions of privacy, descriptions of gore, self-harm, Unsafe binding

The pink-haired boy laughed as his brother struggled to push the child off of him, but before Wilbur could ask for help, he began to make his way up the stairs to his room. Techno opened his door and flopped on his bed, laying there for a few moments before a knock was heard at his door. With a groan, Techno stood from his bed and opened the door to see a distraught Phil.

"Tech I don't know what to do, she's so scared and I would hate for anything to happen to her I can't let what happened to Wil happen again, I just can't" Techno sighs and places a hand on his father's shoulder "I can't promise that everything will be fine but I can promise that I'll try to make her want to stay."

"I know you will Tech" Phil smiles before making his way back to his office.

The pink-haired boy stayed at his door, long enough to see a flash of blonde hair pass by, followed by a smiling Wilbur. Something was wrong. Techno didn't know what but he could see it. Did Tessa freak him out? Did dad talk to them? Maybe he's fine? No. There's no way. Techno didn't know how but he needed to find out what was wrong. He had to.

*+time skip to after Wilbur fell asleep+*

Techno needed to know what why Wilbur was upset, and he was going to find out. One way or another. And his way of choice is interrogation but he isn't against snooping...

Techno knocked quietly on his brother's door, when he received no response he carefully pushed the door open, scanning the room with his eyes to make sure Wilbur was still asleep before beginning his search for clues. Yet after minutes of searching, he came up empty handed. He decided that he would leave his brother to sleep and bother him in the morning but before he could leave, a slightly open drawer in his brother's desk caught his attention.

Techno pulled the drawer open to find a notebook, a string holding the place of the most recent entry. He flipped open the book Jubilee line? Techno scanned the words, engraving each heart wrenching line into his brain.

He read the lyrics over and over again, a sick feeling growing in his stomach each time his eyes landed on the ending. His brother was hurting and Techno still didn't know why, and he sure as hell didn't know how to help.

Techno placed the notebook in its rightful place, making sure to leave the drawer slightly ajar as his brother had left it before exiting the room, now more unsure of what was happening than before.

Techno entered his room and leaned against his door, falling to a sitting position against it.

What's going on? Why are we on the floor? Not swag man. L TechnoSad. Panik

Thousands of voices spoke at once. Techno's eyes shot open, frantically looking around the room, attempting to find the source of the noise.

We don't exist man. Techno-crazy?
Insane-noblade pog. Check the closet. Get off the floor man. Wake up Wilbur. Take the medicine.

Techno stood up quickly and opened the closet door, checking behind each thing that was hung up. Take the medicine? What medici- OH Techno walked towards his bathroom to grab his forgotten prescription.

See we can be helpful. Don't get rid of us. We're your friends. Blood? Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood.              .....E

Techno went to grab his pills. Blood. Wait what? Techno gasped at the thought. Spill their blood. The piglins eyes widened as thoughts of hurting his family filled his head.

"stop." The boy mumbled useless pleads but the voices only got louder.

blood for the blood god.       Kill them.      Stab someone.      Can we go back to the floor now?

The voices screamed at him. The only ones that he seems to be able to understand, yelling at him to snap.

"NO" Techno slipped and fell back to the ground as his hands shot to his ears in sad attempts to block out the voices.

Give us blood Techno.      Hurt someone.    Blood for the blood god.        eEeEeEeEeEeEe                         we want someone to bleed.     Cmon Tech, Give us blood. 

Techno reached into the cabinet and pulled out a razor that he barely used. The pink-haired boy pulled his shirt up and drug the blades across his stomach, as the blood dripped from the wound, the voices volume decreased slightly. not quiet enough. He thought to himself as he lifted the razor to his stomach again, dragging the blade across different places over and over until he could barely hear the voices anymore. 

When the voices silenced Techno let out a breath of relief before grabbing a box of bandages from the cabinet and bandaging up his stomach. The boy winced in pain when he moved to stand up but got himself up and into bed anyways. 

*+Time skip to morning+*

Tommy yawned and pulled himself out of bed, instantly cringing at the weight on his chest. Fabulous! Just what I needed, a dysphoria day!  He quickly wrapped some ace bandages around himself and threw on the yellow sweater he got at the mall along with a pair of sweatpants he had gotten. Once he was dressed, the boy made his way downstairs where he could hear Phil talking to Wilbur in the kitchen.

"Oh hey mate! How did you sleep?" Phil smiled warmly at Tommy so Tommy gave him a small smile back. "pretty well, the bed is really comfortable, thank you" 

Wilbur shot a confused gaze towards the stairs "Techno is normally awake by now isn't he?" Phil thought for a moment "He normally wakes up before me, Tess could you please go check on him for me?" 

Tommy cringed, but nodded and walked towards the stairs with a bad feeling in his gut. 

Tommy knocked on the door and when he did not receive an answer,  he let himself in. 

A/n: Hah imagine getting left on a cliffhanger, that sucks to be you guys lol/j But anyways, I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I'm gonna try to get one out at least every two weeks but I can't promise anything and as always, don't forget to drink water, take care of yourselves and keep in mind that, just because you weren't born a specific gender doesn't make you any less of that gender <3

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