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I was sleeping when I jumped out of my sleep. What the fuck ?  Ange, something was wrong. My heart started hurting, no pain is the actual word. Something happened, I yelled to the guard “ I need to see director Stevens now ” , “ in the morning ” , “ I SAID NOW IT'S IMPORTANT ” he just walked away. I was pacing the cell. Something happened to her. I just knew it . I could feel it.  I kept pacing the cell for hours until I saw director Stevens walk up to it . “ What seems to be the matter jake?” , “ Look I've been here for two years and never asked for anything but right now I need you to do one simple thing for me ” , “ Okay What is it ?” , “ I know for a fact something just happened to Angel ” , “ Who ?” ughhh “ Aria ,I think she's in trouble or in danger something is wrong please check to see if she's okay that's all I'm asking ” .

He kept looking at me “ How do you know this ?” ,
“ Look I just know ,I feel it please ,call , text do something but please find out if she's okay ” , he looked at me for a few minutes then took out his phone . “ I can't believe I'm actually doing this ”. I stood waiting for him as he dialled “ Hello this is FBI director Stevens May I speak to Senator Nakamara ? Where is he ? What happened ? Is it serious ? Okay thank you ” . He looked at me “ She was going down to dinner when she slipped and fell down the stairs ” . Fuck , fuck fuck .
“ Is she okay ?” . “  slight concussion ,and some bruises but  she'll be fine” I sat on the bed god ,I wasn't even there to protect her.

He stood looking at me “ how did you know ?” ,“ I could feel it ,when it comes to her if she's ever seriously hurt I can feel it ” , “ I see I'll keep you updated ”  after he left I just sat there , I couldn't sleep I was too worried about her.


When my eyes opened , they were both there “Mom” , “ Hey sweetie ”, “ How long have I been out ?” , “ About four hours ”  “ What happened ?”  , “You tripped on your dress and fell down the stairs.” Wait, I wasn't wearing a dress. I looked over her head to my father and he shook his head slightly. “ I need to sleep ,I need to be alone ” , “ Okay Sweetheart Mark will be standing guard outside” , “ Okay ” after they left I started thinking . How could I trip if there aren't any Carpets on the stairs or landing. I saw my father walk back into the room.
“ I'll give you unmarked  Credit cards , sandy has  already packed your stuff , I sent the jet to pick up your friends from Duskwood , I explained to them , they're waiting with your  stuff for you at the airport ,  Aria I need you to leave until I figure out exactly what's happening please I already lost Amara I can't lose you ” .

This was the first time in a long time I've seen my father show any emotion . “ I'll leave  ” , “ You need to make it look as if you escaped , Mark will be at the hospital back entrance in a while Toyota , wherever you go stay safe and don't let anyone see you, promise me you'll stay safe until I call you back home ” , “ I promise Dad ”. He looked at me “ It's been years since you've called me Dad”, “ I know I'm sorry ” , “ It's okay sweetheart you need to leave now , I'll distract your mother ” , “ Okay ”.


We were hanging out in the Aurora ,a few hours ago Angel left . We were already missing her. We were sitting when my phone started ringing , I didn't know the number so I answered and put it on speaker. “ Hello ?”,
“ Hello, am I speaking to Jessica Hawkins ?” , “ Yes that's me ,who is this ?” , “ This is senator Nakamara , Aria's father ” that got our attention “ What happened to her?” we were all panicking now “  I need you to listen and listen very carefully . I sent a jet to pick you all up from the airport. You'll be coming here and taking her back with you. Earlier this evening she fell while coming down to dinner. ” .

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