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My head throbbed as I woke beside Marc or Steven again, it seemed like I was spending a lot of time beside him recently but it didn't mean much as Marc was still married.

Well, that's what I thought until I looked to the side of Steven's bedside to see divorce papers with Layla's signature on it but empty for Marc's signature, it was the last thing I expected to see but pretended not to notice it and stood up from the bed.

As soon as I was stood, I stretched my arms out and cracked my back before stepping over to the little kitchen area to pour a glass of water and chug it whilst half-awake, I forgot how bad the water quality was in London as all my taps had filters and ensure that the water quality was improved so I quickly chocked on the taste of the water.

This woke Marc up as I heard him sit up off the bed and turn to look at me as I was still choking on the taste of the water and was now digging through the fridge to find something else to drink to cover up the disgusting taste, Marc snickered as I took a bottle of cola out of the fridge to then chug it then gasp for air from how quickly I chugged it.

"I haven't got any fancy water, sorry." Marc joked.

This fucker asking for his death to come early?

Marc explained what had happened to what he saw and I felt bad for hurting both Layla and him but he reminded me that it was my father and not me but it still hurt, we then looked at flights and hotels when I snatched the laptop off him and pulled a few strings and then threw him an empty bag.

"I have a private jet, the pilot will meet us at the airport and I have a friend or two who will let us stay at their house for now." I smiled.

Marc was sat in shock for a moment before springing up and wrapping me in a tight hug, it caught me off guard but I soon smiled and returned the hug.

Cairo always seem to be more noisy then the last time I visited but it seemed the noise levels always increased with each time I visited, there was a knock at my door so I open it to see Marc in a casual shirt and trousers and he gave me a quick nod telling me he was ready to go on this mission.

A smile forms on my face as I grab my backpack and the money to rush out of the hotel with Marc, it was so refreshing to be free and out of my father's control but I just hoped no family saw me.

Marc and I found some people that were with Arthur causing us to chase them until I lost my footing and slipped but my eyes glowed white and flipped myself back up to run at a speed that wasn't human, I leaped onto the same building and threw the 3 boys onto the floor as Marc ran closer to the building and land as the trio stood.

"It's the kid!" One of the men spoke in Arabic.

"The kid?" Another one of them tried to confirm.

I rolled my eyes and punched the one who recognised me in the face causing the two other men to have their jaws drop to the floor and leap towards me, Marc leaped towards them and took the knives off them and threw them on the floor

My eyes glowed the bright white again as I was fighting with this kid but was trying to tire him by acting defensive in my combat which seemed to be working, his punches were getting weaker and more sloppy causing me to grab onto something then jump off it to kick him down onto the floor.

"Focus on the kid, forget the American!" The kid I just kicked shouts in Arabic.

Both men turned their attention to me causing Marc to try and stop them from reaching me but one threw a punch that I dodged by arching my back, I headbutt them and then grab them by the shirt to throw them on the floor before the other punches me in the face.

I stumble back as Marc runs over after grabbing one of the knives off the floor and pinning the kid who punched me to the wall and holding the knife to his throat, I kicked the other kid to the other and turned to see Marc screaming at him.

My heart dropped when I saw the fear in his eyes.

Marc's eyes then rolled to the back of his head.

Misery Duo.   [Moon Knight x reader]Where stories live. Discover now