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I woke up to be leant against a car or something to one and looked up to see Marc- no that isn't Marc but they are on a killing spree and was about to slice someone's throat open causing me to push myself up to stand.

My balance was off but whoever was in control quickly turned to look at me with a serious expression that shook me to the core, they then cut the person's throat open to drop them to the floor causing tears to start streaming down my face.

Did he just- no.

This isn't Marc and Steven can't even hurt a fly, never mind killing people.

They placed their hand on my face and smiled slightly whilst my breathing became unsteady and heavy, I don't even know who they are but they seem to know me.

"Who are you?" I spit out.

They seem sad that I don't recognise them or even have the slightest hint of who they are but their hand remains gently sat on my hand, his thumb gently stroked my cheek causing me confusion as I waited for a response.

"My name is Jake Lockley, do not tell the others." He spoke in an accent I hadn't heard yet.

My eyes widened as I heard his voice which caused him to smile weakly again for some scuffling to be heard behind us causing him to turn to look, he saw one of the kids from earlier and moved his hand off my face and marched towards the kid as I walked close behind him as I begged him not to.

I didn't say name in fear that Steven or Marc could take over at any moment and when Jake had a grip on the kid, his eyes rolled to the back of his head as the bloodied knife was held closer to Marc's face.

Marc's face dropped as he looked around to see all the bodies and saw some blood rubbed onto my cheek from Jake and knew it was from him as his hands were covered in blood too, Marc looked at the reflection of the knife and spoke to it for a moment before turning to look back at me.

He was clearly concerned that I was hurt as I looked so scared, I was only scared due to the amount of dead bodies though.


Marc had run out of ideas and so I had I so we were both walked in Cairo unsure of what to do until we stepped down an almost empty alley, I had never seen this alley until recently but it wasn't uncommon for me not to recognise an area in Cairo due to how much security was around me when we visited.

Khonshu then appeared and was talking to Marc but I didn't pay much attention and instead was taking in the atmosphere, I was still adjusting to how much freedom I had now and how refreshing yet odd it felt.

Khonshu walked off which caught my attention as not long after he disappeared, a portal summoned next to us causing Marc to grab my hand and step through the portal.

My hand was now empty and I looked around to see that Marc was missing which concerned me so I stepped out of the tunnel thing I was in, the room was bright and I quickly recognised it as the pyramid of Giza which caused me to smile at the thought of Steven being so excited to see this place.

The light was almost blinding and caused my eyes to squint as they adjusted to the light to see the Ennead to have all eyes on me, they seemed confused and slightly hostile as they probably thought I was just some random person who stepped into this place.

Osiris takes a step causing my panic to trigger my fight or flight and my eyes to start glowing a bright white making him pause, the room was so silent that it was frightening as Marc stepped into the room.

He was clearly confused and turned to look at me to see me with glowing eyes and as if I was ready to start fighting with someone here, we lock eyes and it cause me to become more at ease and my eyes to return normal. 

I tuned most of the meeting until Osiris shouted something which caught my attention and turned around to see Arthur and my father, this caused Marc to step in front of me and stand in a defensive way which caused the other gods to become confused.

My father stepped to Arthur's side and smiled when he saw me and Marc, it was like he enjoyed seeing how rebellious I was becoming to a boy he thought would be useless.

"Y/N, your father misses you." He smiled.

He can fuck off with that bullshit.

This confused the gods to be less confused about why he was here but still confused about why Marc stood in a defensive position, they hadn't met me yet but I doubted they hadn't met my father yet.

"Miss what about me? Me being a punching bag?" I spit.

The gods held their breath as the tension quickly grew in the room as my eyes began to glow again causing their interests to peak, it caused my father's eyes to glow their bright purple again.

The grin on my father's face meant that he was going to downplay the situation so I ran over there at my abnormal speed and stared at him, Arthur didn't except this as he stepped back from not seeing me coming.

"Why don't we go back home and let the gods do what they need to do?" My father hummed.

He reached for my hand so instead I uppercut him in the face and go to hit him again until Osiris used his powers to restrain my hand to the floor, Marc turned to death stare Osiris.

"Like hell I'd let you lay another finger on me, You never cared for me until this glowing eyes stuff and even then you only wanted to exploit me. You little fuckin-"

Osiris then stood and cut me off.

"We do not tolerate that kind of behaviour in here, please remain respectful."

Misery Duo.   [Moon Knight x reader]Where stories live. Discover now