The Fire Triangle: Book II - Chapter 29

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Disclaimer: Zootopia stories, characters, settings, and properties belong to the Walt Disney Co. This story is written under Fair Use Copyright laws.


The Fire Triangle


Part Two:



Chapter 5—Unintended Consequences
(Concluded...Part 8)

"Lieutenant Tufts," Bogo pronounced it 'Leff-tenant,' "There is very little I can say to you that you don't already know." He pulled out his reading glasses, and put them on, but made no move to reach for a corresponding document. Judy knew what that meant and could only be grateful it was the squirrel in the hot seat and not her. "However, as police procedure compels me, I fear that I must say something." He snorted and leveled a finger across the desk, "Your phone call to Officers Hopps and Wilde, on the day in question, was an inexcusable breach of security. I won't say why as the results speak for themselves." He withdrew the finger, replacing it with a glowering face. "But what I find particularly infuriating is that it was also entirely frivolous. You made that call, not so as to relay any important information, nor to issue any sorts of instructions. No, you made it merely to vent your anger over the fact that, up until then, you were unaware that the OIC's were familiar with the suspect, Conor Lewis." He sat back and grunted. "You didn't need to know that information, Lieutenant, and in any case, Hopps and Wilde had been unawares themselves until only a short time before. Furthermore, even if you HAD been justified in making that phone call, in the middle of a tracking operation was not the time and place for it. And even if it had been, there is no excuse for you having made that call on an unsecured phone." He shook his head, more in frustration than anger. "Good God, Tufts; what the Devil were you thinking? You, of all mammals, should have remembered we were targeting the courier to a master cyber-criminal. In any event, we all know the result; the only reason we were able to take young Mister Lewis into custody was because he bit one of our officers in a fit of desperation. Worst of all, had it not been for your breach of protocol, he might well have led us to The Phantom, as planned."

At the mention of his nemesis' name, Tufts threw up his paws and grimaced as if he'd just been hit with a steam-hose.

Bogo let him stew for a moment, and then pulled off his glasses and dropped them onto his desk-blotter. Judy knew what that meant too, and felt a burning ball rise into her throat, never mind that it wasn't HER head on the block. "Here it comes..."


"I've already spoken by phone to Attorney General Sayanov." Bogo continued, his gaze never wavering from the squirrel seated in front of him. "I will spare you the full text of his remarks, as there are bunnies present." Judy's ears went back, but somehow she managed to hold her tongue. "Suffice it to say, he and I are in complete agreement...and I expect the police board will also concur with my decision."

He paused to give Tufts an opportunity to answer the charges. The squirrel responded by standing up on his chair and pulling out his badge. "I...understand sir," he said, forcing himself to meet the Chief's eyes, "And I take full responsibility for my actions." He allowed himself a dramatic pause. "MY actions Chief; no one else in Cybercrimes Division was involved; this is all on me, all of it."

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