Chapter Fourteen

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Kevin called Austin not long ago and we are gonna go to lunch with Teamcrafted AND One Direction!

I am soooo excited that I get to meet my favourite people!


Dad looked over at me like I was crazy from the other side of the bus.

"What? " I laughed, standing up.

"Nothing, you're just cute when you're deep in thought" he smiled, tapping send on his phone.

"Ohhhh who's the girl??" I smirked, taking the phone and looking at who he was texting.

"Jess," he whispered.

"No.... It's not. Wait, is it?" I raised my eyebrows.

"It is. "

"How long-"

"A year"

"Wow. That's long. I'm proud" I laughed again .

Mitch and Avi walked into the room, all dressed up for lunch with TC and One direction.

Mitch looked good. I bet he's gonna try get with Harry.

He had a black shirt with jeans and his favorite yellow beanie.

His shoes were... I don't know. They looked like toms.

" Come on. Their waiting for us there" Kevin stated, walking into the room.

Alright then.


I stood behind Kevin, looking at teamcrafted.

Kevin and Austin were talking about something.

A girl that looked 20 came over to me. "Hello,"

A/N sorry for not updating  for a while... ive been busy af lately. So ill try to update and start on my next chapter right now. Kkkkkkkk and soz for making it so short. Im running out of ideas :( Byyyeyeeee


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