Chapter Twenty-five

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Trevor's POV

"Thank you!" I replied as I walked out of the custom clothing shop.

The baby is due in a week and I simply cannot wait! I just bought a onesie for the baby after he born. I'm going to marry Alicia and make her a Moran. Scott looked at me "That is actually a good idea, Trevor. She'll be in tears when she see's that on him" I nodded and walked to the jewelery shop. "I know what she'll like." He paused then pointed to a bright ring. It had a diamond in the middle and sapphires on both sides, going halfway around the ring.


Alicia's POV

"Welcome to the baby shower!" Trevor exclaimed, letting Sam, Tori and the children in.

Mj and Clayton giggled and babbled to each other happily.

There was another knock on the door. I got up slowly and answered the door. Mitch and Annalecia walked in. I was about to close the door before their triplets walked in. Matthew, Candice, and Bentley. "Sorry little ones."

"Its ok." Anna smiled and led them to the couch.

"Hello, darling." Scott chorused. Jessica only said hello though.

I sat down on the couch and drank some v8. Jc sat on my left and Trevor sat on my other. "Why is the couch wet?" Jc poked me, pointing to where I was sitting.

I started panicking and stood up. I felt stuff going downy legs. Alot of it.

"Your waters are broken! We have to get you to the hospital!" Mitch exclaimed, running his kids upstairs to the guest room where Sam and Tori were caring for the twins.

Trevor and Mitch lifted me into Annalecia's van and drove as fast as she could to the hospital.

A splitting pain went off in my lower body causing me to scream.

"It's alright, baby. You'll be just fine, I promise," Trevor cooed, squeezing my strained hand.

It hurt sooo bad. "Your family and our friend are on their way here. Even Avi and Kevin are flying from Texas. Kirstie and her boyfriend are so excited too." Mitch explained, turning around.

*Trevor's POV*

Alicia screamed in pain again.

I freaked out and dropped my phone on my foot.


The baby onesie was in my jacket pocket and the ring was with it. Thank gawd.

I calmed down and held Alicia's hamd reassuringly until we got to the hospital.

The door opened and a wheel chair was sitting there with a paramedic standing there.

"Come on! She could have that baby any minute now!" The paramedic and I pulled Ali out and rolled her to the maternity wing. "Where's my daughter?" Scott asked, spinning around. "She's in there!" I said, pushing the door open and seeing my beautiful girlfriend in pain.

It hurt me to see her in that much pain. "Trevor!" She screamed, making me rush over to her and look at the doctor. "She's ready." The doctor said, walking out and being replaced with a midwife.

"Hello darling. I'm Rosalie. Now lets help you get that baby out."

I closed my eyes for about a few seconds and she started pushing. Rosalie pulled me over to see a bit of the baby's head coming out.

Ew, but oh my god. That is my child.

*Kian's POV*

I paced around the outside of the door. Trevor must be so freaked right now to see his girlfriend screaming like that.

Her dad Scott and her uncle Mitch wanted to go in, but was denied permission.

Scott walked into the room. Alicia screamed again and again, making me jump. Then it stopped.

Trevor walked out smiling his ass off. "She's ready to be seen now. Come on gu-" Trevor was cut off by another scream. He ran back in. What the hell is happening in there?

*Trevor's POV*

Alicia screamed again making me run back into the room. "She's still in labour! What the hell is happening?!" I shouted over Alicia. "She must be-"

cliffhanger 666wordsDX

Soz. I had to. But yep.Alicia wont die. And next book is going to have more of Pentatonix... and something sad. I have to do the book another time though.

AND IM STRETCHING THIS BOOK A BIT MOREEEE maybe just two chapters. The delivery and the Twilight wedding XD cant waitttt

Lots of love
-Liana xxx

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