Chapter Twenty-three

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*two years later*

"Trevor!!" I yelled, waking Oreo


"We have a date today!"

"Ugh can't we stay home and watch netflix and cuddle or something?"

"Maybe after we go and get food. I'm hungry. Oh yeah. We're going over to my dad's house." I stood leaning against the door frame with Oreo at my feet while he groaned and got changed.

"That's better." I said, walking up to him and straightening his shirt.

"Thanks babe" Trevor smirked and kissed my nose.

A wet patch left on my cheek. I moved my hand over it and wiped it on him. "Ew Trevor! You know I dont like that!" I yelled, making him run out of the room.

Our rivalries were a regular thing on date night. Chasing him, I watched as he tripped over the mat. Me, being the clumsy person I am tripped over him and trapped him underneath me.
Trevor and I were now face to face. Only an inch away from each other.

I sat up on him and laughed. "Why does this always happen?" He sat up aswell and kissed my neck.

"Trevorrrrrr! You better not be making out with Alicia!"

Yeah. We have double dates nearly everytime. And when we don't, uh you get the picture.(not that you nassteh)

Scott and Jess are now together, but not married. Yet.

Before that, he had Alex. They broke up after a while, I liked him.

Trevor has been acting weirdly whenever we go shopping. He stalks off somewhere and I always end up getting a text from him saying 'wait for me in the car' or 'meet me at the entrance'. It has happened three times now. Hopefully it wont happen again because I'm going to straight up ask him after.

We're going shopping tomorrow with Kian and Jc for their video and Sam's twins that are due next week. Well, Tori's babies. They havent exactly decided what they are going to name them. They want either Matthew or Clayton for the boy, and MJ or Sophie for the girl.

Fingers clicked in front of my face. Was I really in deep thought? I whacked them away and looked at them. Of course it was Scott.

"Sorry. Just though about Sam." I laughed sheepishly, scratching the back of my neck.

My red velvet dress that Scott didnt exactly like seemed like I was wearing a soft rose, it was Trevor's favourite dress.


"Jessica, will you marry me?"Scott's knee was on the floor and he held out a ring. "Yes! A hundred times yes!" Jess screamed in delight.

I smiled and hugged up to Trevor. "Maybe one day that will be us." He whispered, kissing my forehead. "Yeah. Maybe." I muttered, looking at the floor.

Jess and Scott have now walked out of the house and are probably going somewhere to make out like they usually do to celebrate, weird.

"Lets go to the lake. It's a nice night tonight." Trevor said as we walked out of the house to his car.

As we drove to the lake, One Direction's Night Changes started playing.

When we arrived at the destination, the chorus started playing

We're only getting older baby

And I've been thinking about you lately

Does it ever drive you crazy

Just how fast the night changes

Everything that you've ever dreamed of

Disappearing when you wake up

But there's nothing to be afraid of

Even when the night changes

It will never change me and you

Trevor and I were now facing each other, staring into our souls.

"Lets go outside." He smiled, getting out and opening my door, helping me out.

We were walking for about a minite before Trevor suddenly took me on his back and started running.

"Trevor what the hell are you doing?" I freaked out, getting off of his back.

"Someone's following us!" He whisper yelled, pulling me behind the tree. I climbed up and pulled Trevor behind me. We were 4 meters from the ground, I'm not a fan of heights.

The person who was following, walked around and had someone familiar in his hold.

I adjusted my vision and looked at both the face of the person and the captive.

They were both familiar. Then in sparked. The murderer.

He killed my family!

A loud scream erupted throught the forest before blood gushed from the captives neck.

I shifted and reached for my phone. And before I could get it, it dropped to the ground, making a loud sound.

"Oh shit." Trevor and I gasped in unison. The killer turned around and looked up at us. "I see you..." he whispered coming up to the tree.

Trevor and I panicked and climbed up to the top of the tree. It was about 15 meters off the ground and the man started climbing.

I pulled out Trevors phone and called 911.

"911 whats your emergency?"

"My boyfriend and I have witnessed a murder and now the murderer is after us."

"Alright. Just keep going where ever you are and try to keep the murderer distracted. Stay calm" then she hung up.

I guess she'll be tracking the phone.

I looked over at the tree next to us. A thick branch pointed our way. It was about 2 meters away.

"Trevor. We need to jump!" I exclaimed, taking his arm.

"Yep. Im already on it." He had two sturdy looking branches in his hand. I took one and swung across. Trevor swung just in time before the branch broke.

We kept running and jumping across to trees until we heard sirens.

That was our que to jump down. Trevor already got the message and was on his way down.

I jumped down to the next branch. Then large hands were on my back. I was on a thinner branch and I already knew what was going to happen.

Goodbye world. It was a good life.

My body was pushed off and as I fell, I blacked out.




Lol I had to do that. Dont worry, Alicia wont die. I promise on O2l's lives. Idk y i did that but yep.

Next chappy will be in Trevors POV! WOOO new POV :)

And one more thing.

Im sorry to say this, but this book is definately finishing at 25th chapter.

Imma have a break for a while, finish a different book and then start on the next book. 69. Lol....

So weird. Well. Writing up the next chapter now XD

See yall later

Lots of loveee


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